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Chapter 03

Phana just finished his shift of the day. He had to do the internship at the hospital for 2 years after he graduated from Medical Faculty.

His phone blarred when he was about to drive off his car. It was Forth who called him.

"Sup?" Phana answered the phone.

"Oy, Pha! Join us at the X bar!" Forth invited Phana to have drinks at their usual bar to hang out.

Phana could hear blarring music as the background he had to distance the phone from his ear, "Yeah, who's joining?" Phana asked.

"Your gang, my gang, and some of my juniors from Engineering," Forth said. Phana could hear loud cheer behind Forth's voice. It was definitely Forth's gang's.

After cogitating for a while, Phana finally said yes and he drove to the X bar.

As he entered the bar, he was greeted by Beam, his best friend. "Pha~ come here!" Beam tapped the seat next to him.

Phana walked nearing their seat but before he could sit, someone called his name, "Phana..?"
As soon as Phana turned his head to the voice calling him, he froze.

A sly smile was plastered on the face who called him. It was Ming. Phana lost for words. How could Ming sat there with his friends?

Forth raised his brows, "Wow you both knew each other?"

"Wait.. why is he here?" Phana asked Forth without turning away from Ming.

Ming wasn't in Forth's gang, so it meant Ming was one of the juniors from Engineering Forth talked about.

"He was my junior from Engineering," Forth confirmed Phana's guess.

Ming got up from the sofa he was sitting on, he stretched his hand to Phana, "Hi, P'! I'm Ming, it's really NICE to see you here!" Ming wiggled his brows, he smiled teasingly.

Phana ignored Ming's hand, he sat down right away next to Beam. Ming sat back as well. He kept looking at Phana. He swore he could tell Phana was pissed.

"How do you know each other?" Beam suddenly threw question that made Phana bit his lips. Fuck! Phana cursed as he closed his eyes.

"We're soon to–," Before Ming could finish his sentence, Phana abruptly stopped him by saying, "Our family does business together."

Ming squinted his eyes. He smirked. So Phana doesn't want people to know about their marriage? He could use this card in the future.

"Yeah, you do business together?" Beam asked Phana curiously.

Correction, funny business. Ming thought ridiculously. He then smirked, "Yes, P', our families are quite close." Ming explained as his eyes kept following Phana's movement.

Meanwhile, Phana busied himself gulping down the beer. He coughed after drinking a big glass of beer without stopping. Beam caressed Phana's back.

Ming too, he was busy throwing flirtious smile to some girls accross their table. Soon, Ming moved to the girls' table. He sat between two girls. They were basically touching Ming here and there.

Although he left his initial table, Ming's eyes never leave Phana's figure. Ming observed Phana who was leaning against the sofa, drinking his beer. He could see Beam whispered to Phana and a smile formed on his face. It was the first time Ming saw Phana's smile.

Ming tilted his head. They sure were best friends. They took care of each other really well.

He caught Phana would constantly ruffled Beam's hair here and there. Sometimes, Beam would lean and whisper something to Phana. It irked Ming. 

Phana would look and talk to anyone but Ming. He ignored Ming to the extent that he treated as if Ming was not there. Phana pretended as if he couldn't hear or see Ming.

Ming kept observing Phana as he drank beers after beers. He was too quiet this evening. One of the girls nudged him. "Wanna leave?" It was an invitation. Ming declined her right away as he shook his head and gulped his beer again.

Ming sighed. He's not in the mood for steamy night he usually had with the girls. His gaze was fixated on Phana.

Beam leaned on Phana's chest as he kept mumbling alien words. He looked wasted. Phana decided to bring Beam home. Because he was too wasted to function.

Phana stood up and helped Beam to stand up too. Beam yelped as he hung on Phana's shoulder. Phana was too tall, it would be too difficult to drag Beam. So, Phana thought it would be efficient for him to carry Beam instead.

Phana carried Beam bridal style. Phana bid goodbye to his friends. He walked out of the bar carrying Beam.

Ming's eyes followed Phana till he was out of sight. He felt irritated he didn't know why.

As soon as Phana was gone, Ming asked to the girls, "Are you still up for tonight?"

The girls chuckled and pulled Ming to the entrance door of the bar.

Ming walked to his car with two girls. Each on Ming's side. The girl clung onto his arms. They were basically squeezing their breasts to Ming's arms.

On the other side of the parking lot, Phana could witness how Ming walked out from the bar with two girls by his side. Phana just got Beam onto the back of his car. Now, he was sitting on the driver seat.

He blinked several times. He could see how those girls being all flirty and bubbly towards Ming. He felt his chest tightened. He sighed as he started the car. Then, he drove away. He needed to go away.


Ming looked at the ceiling of the hotel room he booked to have some fun with the girls from the bar. But now, he was lying on the king-sized bed. Alone.

He couldn't get in the mood tonight. The mood went sour, so he told the girls to leave.

Minng sighed. He was never like this. He loved his sex adventure. He never declined any invitation the girls sent him. He always had girl after girl.

But now, he didn't feel like having sex. It's like his sex drive had been switches off. Ming stared at the ceiling blankly.

Phana's smiling face came to his mind. He clenched his jaw. He felt more irritated than before.
To be continued

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