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Chapter 19

Ming was awaken by the warmness wrapping him. Not from the morning ray the sun gave. But from the mouth of Phana wrapping his morning wood.

Phana licked his member as he touched it, "Morning.." he smiled seductively with his saliva peeking from his lips.

Fuck! Could he be any sexier than this? Ming was gulping hard. His wood twitched the moment Phana shifted his gaze to him.

It was only 6AM and Phana already served him.

He licked Ming's length up and down with plopping sound once in a while. Ming enjoyed his erection being pampered, by the ever so alluring Phana Kongthanin.

Who would have thought the Ice Prince could be a Wild Fire in sex.

Phana ate Ming's like he had not had enough last night. They stayed up till dawn. Ming wrecked him good. He never had enough. He always wanted more.

Phana too, was in heat already the moment he opened his eyes. He even lost his sleep because he kept missing Ming's dick in his ass.

That's why the moment he felt the morning wood poking him, he played with it right away.

And Ming liked it.

"Phana...?" There was a thin line between moaning and calling.

"Hmm.." Phana only responded shortly since his mouth was occupied with something else.

"You can stop now.." Ming said tenderly as he fought himself for asking more.

Phana halted his activity, "You don't like it?" He knotted his thick brows.

Ming then sat up to cup Phana's cheeks, "No, I like it..."

"... A lot.." He continued.

"Then don't tell me to stop!" Phana pouted, even Ming had to hold himself not to jump onto Phana right now. Ming bit his lip.

"You're sick. And exhausted. That's why." Ming tenderly kissed Phana's nose tip.

"... But I'm fine.. I want this.." Phana whined as he circled his index finger on Ming's chest. He snuggled on the crook of Ming's neck.

Ming realized Phana was seducing him. He was pushing his buttons to the limit. Testing the thin self restraint he was holding onto.

Ming growled as Phana bit his collar bone, leaving a teeth mark.

Gone was the self control he once had. He jumped and pushed Phana to lie on the bed.

Phana smirked as if he had his victory.

Ming then flipped him so, now Phana was on his four. Serving his godly ass for Ming to feast.

He could feel Ming's tongue lurking around the hole, he was teasing Phana.

"Ahhhhhnnnn...!" Phana arched his back as he shoved his ass to Ming.

Ming's tongue poked and licked Phana's asshole like there was no tomorrow. Even his morning wood was twitching just by imagining him inside Phana's tight hole.

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