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It's not Yo who's wicked..
Maybe it's just me..

Chapter 32

Phana went to the hospital at dawn. He left Ming without waking him up. He had to perform surgery, by the time he had finished, it was already lunch time.

His phone rang while he was walking to the cafetaria. He looked at the name of the caller, it was Ming.

"Hello?" Phana answered.

"Baby, I'm at the cafetaria already, where are you?" Ming chirped at the end of the line. It was the second time he went to have lunch with Phana at the hospital. He wasn't that impressed the first time, since he had to share their lunch time with Forth.

"What cafetaria?" Phana was confused.

"Cafetaria at your hospital, of course!" Ming said excitedly.

Phana put an end to their call and dashed out to the cafetaria right after.

He spotted Ming easily. Ming was like the magnet to the people around him. Either men and women, they were like bees roaming around the nectar.

Half of them were openly flirting with him, and the rest were looking in awe. Phana was used to this already, he halted his running and now walking slowly to where Ming was seated. He approached Ming while catching his breath.

"Hi." Phana greeted Ming with his fine smile. He took a seat next to Ming.

The stoic face Ming had bloomed as soon as he saw Phana, "Baby.." He was going to kiss Phana but Phana shifted from his original seat farther than Ming.

Ming frowned since Phana refused to be kissed. "We're outside, Ming." Phana reminded Ming calmly.

Ming rolled his eyes while huffing an air. It seemed like a very long jorney to convince Phana about public display affection.

"You can do anything when we're home, anyway." Phana stated calmly. Ming gave away his satisfied smile to Phana. He could not wait the time they were home.

You'll beg for my touch, tonight! Ming was already thinking about his revenge for Phana.

Phana could guess what would Ming do to him and it certainly would be a sneaky one.

"What do you wanna eat?" Phana was going to order their lunch at the food stall. Ming thought quite hard. "Ramen? It wasn't up to par your favorite ramen, though.." Phana suggested.

Ming nodded vigorously. He wouldn't complain about the food as long as he ate with Phana. Well, Phana held such power to make the worst day turning into the best one.

After a while, Phana brought back two portion of ramen and two bottles of mineral water. Phana was scoring as the perfect boyfriend by opening the bottle cap for Ming.

And being the horny bastard he was, Ming almost jumped at Phana smooching all over him. Fortunately, he still had a little bit of self-control left in him.

Ugh, why should he be this perfect?! Ming chewed his lips to control the uncontrable smile he was showing.

Phana was being oblivious to not realizing Ming's gleaming eyes, he ate the ramen without sparing any glance to Ming.

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