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Chapter 04

Two days after the friday night at the bar, Phana came to the condo which would be his home for at least two months ahead. He arrived an hour earlier than the intial time.

Mr Daichapanya said Ming had been moving there since yesterday. Phana knocked on the door. Silence. No one answered.

Phana thought maybe Ming slept off because it's Sunday morning. No one would lose a sleep on Sunday morning, moreover for an early guest.

He knocked again. Afte a minute he could hear some steps when the door was opened abruptly. It's Ming.

He looked like someone who had just woke up. He had this giant bird nest hair and his eyes were barely open. "Phana?" He sounded hoarse.

Phana blinked a few times. He bit his lips as he nodded. He hardly kept his composure because Ming was half naked. He only wore a boxer that was hung low on his hips.

Soon, Ming came to his sense as he bolted out to grab his t-shirt. He left Phana standing by the door. After a minute, he came back. "Shit, I'm sorry." Ming muttered.

"That should be my line. Sorry that I came earlier.." Phana said softly.

"Come in.." Ming invited him to get in. Phana brought a big luggage and two big boxes.

Ming snickered, "Looks ready to move in, I see." Phana only stared at him blankly. He looked bored to Ming.

Like a gentleman, he helped Phana to lift up the two boxes. Phana pulled his luggage in.

They just came into the living room when suddenly a girl appeared before them. She looked like she just had a rough night with her mini red dress crumpled and smudged make up on her face.

Phana blinked. Then he heard Ming exclaimed, "OH SWEET LORD!" He slapped his own forehead as he closed his eyes.

"Morning, Ming~" the girl greeted playfully as she darted her eyes to Phana. "You're here to play too?" She stepped closer to Phana as she winked.

Before she could reached Phana, Ming came between them. The girl frowned, "Now, don't be rude to my guest, young lady," Ming scowled.

She tilted her head, "Why? We could have some fun you know... like last night.." She said teasingly.

She tiptoed to blow a breath to Ming's ear, "Maybe we could be wilder than last night.. with him.. He's quite a catch too!" She pointed at Phana.

Phana gulped. He heard Ming lived wildly. But he didn't know it's this wild. He slept with this girl after having two girls all to himself on friday night?! Wow, he was literally having girls after girls. So, he basically got laid every night. Phana was bracing himself to say goodbye to his quiet nights from today on.

"Get out, now!" Ming barked. He didn't like how this girl looked at Phana. She looked ready to jump at Phana anytime. If she weren't a girl Ming surely would have kicked her long ago.

She clucked her tongue and stormed out of their unit.

Ming then turned to Phana, "Sorry about that.." He scratched his head. It was an awkward encounter.

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