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Chapter 29

"I love you."

Did Ming just say...love? To...me?

Phana found it hard to process Ming's words on his head. Why would he love someone like Phana? All the more so, a guy. Ming wasn't gay.  Honestly, the thing Ming just blurted out didn't add up.

Maybe Ming was just too caught up in this moment that he...

"No response from you?" Ming was not beating around the bush. He really had a gut the feelings was mutual. If what his premonition was true, he wouldn't wait for Phana to catch up on his feelings.

He loved Phana already, if Phana had not loved him yet, so be it. His love was big enough for both of them.

Phana is his.

He was so done loving and getting hurt out of it in the shadows. He was going to tell Phana his love all the time. He had enough of biting his tongue, restraining from bursting out his feelings.

It was spilling. Ming couldn't contain it anymore. He would love Phana his way.

"If you don't say anything, I'll claim you. Piece by piece." Ming looked at Phana sharply. His eyes were gleaming with lust, firmness, and... love?

Phana was long gone. He felt like his soul just flew away from his body. He thought he was dead already.

Ming said he... loved him? Like he loved Ming? So he just turned him.. gay? No, correction. Ming was most likely bisexual. Yeah, like Forth.

"Too much thinking might kill you.." Ming hissed as he could see Phana was deep in his thought.

Without waiting for Phana to collect his thought first, Ming had bitten Phana's shoulder blades lining down to his lower back. Ming was determined to mark each part of Phana.

Phana jolted as he felt Ming bit his right butt cheek. "Ahhhnnn.." Phana bit the white sheet to muffle the immoral sounds escaping his mouth.

They had just released twice, but Phana was already loading for the third time.

He had not even made his mind to reply Ming's  declaration of love, but Ming was too impatient to wait for Phana's thinking. Ming would just show it for Phana to understand better.

Ming was already spreading Phana's thighs as he kept licking, biting, and smooching his cheeks. Ming could see Phana's length had already sprung straight. He was as hard as iron.

Ming was hard as well. But he could wait. He wanted to torture Phana first, making him beg for his life.

He teased Phana's hole with his tongue. Circling around the entrance as he poked his tongue in. Ming knew Phana was clenching inside, "F-fuckkk ahhhhnggg...!" Phana released the bedsheet from his mouth to cry out more.

Ming was cruel, he knew Phana couldn't reach without Ming inside him. But he really wanted Phana to beg. To understand that he was lost without Ming. And Ming loved to hear Phana's sinful moans. They added oil to the flame.

"Nggghhhh... Ahhhh...!" Phana's breathlessly moaned as he got a slap from Ming on his cheeks.

Ming whipped Phana's round cheeks till it turned pink. The view was so alluring, Phana looked so sexy with his lifted fine ass while spreading his thighs. Phana was unconciously asking for more. To be tortured more.

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