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Finally I'm back from my deep slumber lmao
I slept for a whole 16 hours.

Finally I can have all my mind for this story..

The clients sucked, only kept dragging my works, i had to stay late every day because they didn't the follow my notes of how you should sign the documents 😅😪

And you guess it right... I have to do the work all over again.

Yeah, that's all the rants for now. Let's get back to the story~~

Chapter 24

Ming had been whistling the whole day. He was such in a good mood since Phana made him coffee. It was one of the little things Phana had done to him.

Sometimes, Phana would buy him dinner, lunch or breakfast. Phana wasn't a good cook like himself. So, buying food was enough to elate Ming's day.

Phana would get his laundry too from the laundry service. Either on his way to the hospital or home.

Ming would take Phana to heaven at night before their sleep to pay back. Well, mostly they would end up sleeping at dawn, though.

And this morning, Phana made him coffee. It was the best coffee Ming had ever drunk.

It was only a cup coffee, but, such little things mattered to Ming since it's Phana who did it.

As long as Phana who did it, it would matter to Ming. Phana held such power to make his days or gloomed his days.

Ming's daily mood would definitely affected by Phana. He was so in love, he couldn't help himself sometimes. He was lovesick.

Nam raised her brows as he looked Ming cheerfully worked on the mountain documents she gave him this morning.

It was 6PM already and Ming was close to finish them off. So, Nam stepped closer to Ming.

Ming heard the clucking sound from Nam's heels. He knew it was the witch who approached him so, he didn't want to raise his head.

Nam was an evil bitch, she could make things sour and spoiled, Ming hated this trait of her to the bones.

"What did he do to you~?" Nam spoke with her usual annoying tone. The tone she only used to annoy Ming.

Ming sighed, he finally raised his head. "What do you want?"

"I'm asking, you know.. Why are you answering with question as well?" Nam had her hands folded on the chest.

Ming leaned his head to the backseat as he squinted his eyes to Nam, "It's none of your business, P'."

"Aww, don't be rude~ You're both getting very well was all of my doing, no? If I didn't kick you some sense, you would not even realize your feelings towards your beloved." Nam said wiggling her brows cheekily.

"It was nothing, really." Ming started to typed down again and stayed focus on his laptop.

"Nothing but strong enough to make you whistling all day? Awh, come on!" Nam snickered.

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