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Chapter 06

Ming came back home only to be greeted by darkness and silence in their apartment. Ming thought Phana was already sleeping in his room. So he walked to Phana's room and knocked the door.

There was no answer. He knocked again. Since he got no response from Phana, he opened the door as slow as he could because he thought Phana was sleeping and didn't want to wake him.

He wanted to talk to Phana. After the kiss he shared with random girl, he stopped and didn't get further action. Usually he would have gone with the girl and book a hotel room. But not tonight. He felt so wrong kissing the girl. It tasted unusual as if he was sick of kissing girls. Heck, he always loved body contact. He had turned to someone else over the night.

So, when he got away from the girl and searched for Phana, he was long gone. He couldn't find Phana. Forth too, was nowhere to be found. Ming thought maybe Phana went home already. So, he bid good bye to his seniors and went home.

But Phana wasn't home. Ming frowned. If Phana hadn't come home, where would he be? He  started to walk back and forth as he folded his hands.

A sudden idea came to his mind. The moment Phana was gone out of his sight, he could not find Forth either. Fuck, could it be he was with P' Forth?!

Ming jumped right away and locked the door. He ran to his own car. When he just hopped onto his car, he realized he didn't know where Forth lived. Ming cursed as he hit the steering wheel, "Fuck!"

He pulled put his phone from his pocket jeans, immediately hit Forth's name in his contact to call him. But, after some rings, Forth still didn't pick up. Ming called him again only to be greeted by the voicemail. Forth had switched his phone off.

Shit! Ming threw his phone to the dashboard. He was so angry. His breath was rushed. He tried to calm down as he reached for his phone. Then he called Jay, one of Forth's friend to find out where Forth's apartment was.

As soon as he got the information, Ming stepped on the gas pedal and speeded up toward's Forth's apartment.

When he arrived, he spotted Phana's car at the parking lot. Ming parked his car and walked fast to the elevator. But the elevator was too slow to reach the lobby, so he used the emergency stairs instead. He jumped two steps as he climbed the stairs.

He arrived in front of Forth's room with rushed breath. His chest went up and down as he filled his lungs with air. He calmed himself down and knocked the door.

After what felt like forever, Forth came and opened the door. Forth had not let him in, but Ming already stepped into the room as he pushed Forth away. He searched for Phana.

"Where is he?" Ming scowled at Forth.

"Who?" Forth asked calmly.

"Don't play dumb, you know whom I'm talking," Ming gritted teeth as he hissed.

Forth didn't answer, so Ming went to the door which seemed like bedroom door. Forth halted Ming before he could reach the door.

Forth shook his head while saying, "He's wasted. Let him sleep for the night."

Ming tried to pushed Forth who was hindering him. Forth stayed still. Since Forth wouldn't move, Ming kicked Forth's groin with his knee.

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