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Chapter 02

Ming stared at Phana who was sipping his tea. Phana looked calm. He was tall and slender guy with his milky skin. He had this slanted eyes which went perfectly with his small sharp nose and plump lips. For a guy, Ming would give Phana 10 out of 10. But since he was not a girl, he would only give 9 out of 10. He had some pride to keep.

Today was Saturday. Both the Kongthanins and the Daichapanyas met to talk about the marriage they would arrange. They were at a restaurant for upper class.

Unlike Ming, Phana never looked in Ming's direction. His face looked bored as soon as he sat on the table. This made Ming smirked. It looked fun to tease a boring guy like Phana who always had that stoic face.

"We will proceed the marriage in two months." Mr Daichapanya opened the discussion. Mr Kongthanin nodded, sign of agreement.

"Since it was business marriage, we have to make ceremony and party. We need to distribute the invitation first to our collegues." Mr Daichapanya continued.

Once again, Mr Kongthanin nodded as he didn't oppose the idea. Phana kept his cool. His gaze was fixated on his tea cup. Ming only rolled his eyes as he still thought the whole thing was a not-funny-joke to him.

"Do you have any say in this, Phana?" Mr Daichapanya asked Phana so suddenly he wasn't prepared.

Phana fisted his palm he was trying to hide away his nervousness from the start. He didn't even dare to look at his soon to be husband.

At first he thought it would be no problem to follow this idea. But as soon as he entered the private room that was reserved for this business lunch, he knew he was doomed.

Ming was the most gorgeous man Phana had ever seen. He had this perfectly sharp eyes, sharp nose, and thin lips. He looked absolutely stunning with his chocolate tanned skin. Phana wouldn't even dare to check Ming's body. He could imagine Ming had finely toned abs behind those clothes.

Phana didn't even dare to meet Ming's eyes. He felt if he ever stared at those sharp eyes, his gayness would be shown.

Since Phana didn't answer Mr Daichapanya's question, Mr Kongthanin nudged his ribs.

Phana was startled and coughed a little. He had been absent-minded for a while. "Uh.. I don't think I have nothing to say.." He said silently. Phana was maintaining his stoic face.

"Good. So you don't have any problem living with Ming, right?" Mr Daichapanya felt like just threw a bomb to Phana.

Phana choked on his tea. He didn't see this kind of question coming. "Living with your son, Sir?" Phana replied as soon as he got his cool back.

Then he heard Ming chuckled. Damn, even his laughter sounded melodious. Ming was laughing because he finally saw this boring guy in front of him losing his calm. He looked at Phana's flustered face amusingly.

"Yes. I promised my son to let him live alone if he ever agreed to this marriage. But as you can see, he was a wild kid. I don't think it was a good idea to let him live by himself. He's the trouble himself, so I think it's a good idea if you can live with him." Mr Daichapanya explained.

Phana gulped so hard. He looked at Ming. He could see Ming having one of his ears pierced. Phana suddenly felt so thirsty, he reached the tea cup to drink some. He thought for a moment.

Was it really a good idea to live with this ever so gorgeous human being in front of him? Would it be alright for him to sleep under the same roof with Ming?

Ming smirked. He thought it was amusing to see the cold prince frowned deep as he thought so hard. Ming was done mourning for himself as soon as he heard about this idea of his oldman. He was not shocked anymore.

"Phana, what do you think?" Phana's father repeated the question. He looked so hopeful at Phana. Phana gulped again. He had no heart to disappoint his father. He then looked at Mr Daichapanya.

He looked at Phana with the same looking eyes his father had. Phana closed his eyes for a moment before he nodded his head.

Mr Kongthanin patted his back, a sign that Phana had took a good choice.

Phana looked at his palms on his lap. Was it really a good idea? He was busy worrying himself as he sighed.

Ming snickered. He couldn't wait to wreck Phana's stoic face. It would be fun to poke Phana here and there so he would lose his cool. He couldn't wait.

Their parents talked so more about the expansion of their business.

Phana stole a glance at Ming. He looked outside the giant window this restaurant had. Ming looked bored and had no interest at all the conversation their parents had.

Then, suddenly, Ming's eyes darted from the view outside the window... to Phana.

Gulp. Phana gulped so hard he was so nervous. He had never met Ming's sharp eyes since he entered the room. He would look anywhere but Ming.

Ming stared sharply at Phana. It was the first time he saw Phana's eyes looking back at him. The more Ming looked at them, the more he couldn't look away.

Phana was the first one to cut the intense staring session between them. He then went out to the restroom.

Ming followed him after some minutes. He entered the restroom while Phana was washing his hands.

Phana was having his back at Ming. He was bending a little while washing his hands. Then, when he was done with, he stood straight only to meet Ming's eyes who was stared at him through mirror.

Slowly Ming smiled teasingly. Phana turned his back abruptly. He was caught off guard, he didn't know Ming followed him to the restroom. He intially went to the restroom to collect his cool.

Ming stepped closer to Phana. He stretched his hand, gesturing to shake hands. "Please take care of me, Phana." Ming said with his deep voice.

After sometime, finally Phana opened his mouth, "The same goes to me, Ming." Right after that, Phana stepped out of the restroom without shaking Ming's hands.

Ming turned his back to see Phana walked away. He squinted his eyes as he smirked.

This will be fun. Ming thought silently.


To be continued

It sure will 😏😏


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