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I'll wrap this story in the next few chapters
Bcs I think this needs a closure so I can start on my other stories.

Chapter 36

Ming and Phana had gone back to their home. It was still 9AM in the morning and they had not taken shower. Phana was having night shift so he could laze around all day.

Ming was supposed to be going to work but he followed Phana to lie on the bed.

Phana was having his back on the bed while Ming was lying on his stomach while having his hands folded to be his pillow under his head. He was looking at Phana with his dazzling smile.

Phana turned his head to the left where Ming was lying down, "What...?" Phana lifted his brows because Ming could not stop staring at him flashing his stupid smile.

"Were you... jealous of Yo?" Ming asked, still having the stupidest grin on his face.

Phana shoved a pillow right to Ming's face. But Ming was faster enough to catch the pillow. He shifted closer to Phana. Not that close but Phana could feel the warmness Ming radiated through his body.

"Hmm?" Ming hugged the pillow Phana threw at him as he stretched his hand to caress on Phana's silky hair.

Phana bit his lip, he was feeling shy. Ming slid his body closer to Phana, they were now only an inch away from each other.

Phana shifted his eyes to Ming's thin lips. "Were you, Phana?" Those lips moved  as Ming was calling out his name.

Phana tore his gaze away from Ming's lips back to Ming's eyes, he found Ming had been staring deeply at him. Phana shyly nodded still chewing his lower lip.

Ming's thumb found its way to Phana's lower lip and brushed on it. "How could you feel like that?" Ming asked while having his eyes glued to Phana's plump lips.

The lips were moving as Phana answered his question, " I thought... he liked you.."

"Yeah...? He said that to you?" Ming lifted his brows while smiling cheekily.

"No.. but, he knows all of your favorite food, and you know his too, so I thought...."

"Owh, Phana, what to do with you? You're thinking too much on unnecessary things." Ming pressed his forehead to Phana's and sighed.

"I'm sorry.." Phana mumbled while biting his lower lip.

"I'm happy that you're capable to feel jealous, but really, instead of thinking by yourself, I would appreciate it if you talked instead.. You can throw your anger at me anytime, I want to know what your likes and dislikes too." Ming kissed Phana's left eye and snuggled his nose.

Phana nodded in agreement.

"So the next time you have doubt, talk to me, share your thought.. alright?" Ming said tenderly still caressing Phana's cheek.

"Hmm," Phana snuggled to Ming's crooked and inhaled Ming's masculine odor.

Ming pulled Phana into his embrace them smuggled to Phana's hair. They stayed like that for a while, hugging in silence. They felt at peace.

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