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Chapter 22

Phana was standing all alone, he stayed out of the crowd. He was never a party person, so having himself as the star of the party was kind of overwhelming. Phana gulped down the drink in his hand.

He looked at Ming from afar. Ming was surrounded by his gang. Phana could see him laughing freely with his friends.

Phana sighed. He wished himself was funny or anything so Ming would laugh like that around him. This was probably the first time he regretted his boring self.

Maybe if he could make Ming laugh that way, Ming would be slightly attracted to him.

The most he could do for Ming was... sex. Yeah, call him a fool, a whore, whatever, but as long as he could make Ming pay attention to him and have Ming all for himself, Phana would do anything. And maybe... sex was the answer.

And maybe in their one year marriage, Ming would someday find Phana boring and not satisfying anymore. Till that time came, he would cherish whatever Ming offered on the plate.

Phana would take whatever and be contented with it.

His train of thought stopped the moment someone stood next to him.

Phana looked to the petite guy who was standing next to him. His skin was milky white and had red plump lips completed with big puppy eyes.

He was definitely a cute guy.

That cute guy smiled at Phana, showing his braced teeth. He looked more adorable if he smiled.

"Congratulations on your engagement, P'!" He suddenly happily congratulated Phana, still with his smile intact.

"Uhh.. thank you.." Phana was never good talking to strangers, so he could only muttered those words.

"I'm Wayo, by the way." He introduced himself as he outsretched his hand.

Phana was a cold person, but he was never rude. So he took Wayo's hand, shaking it.

Phana was wondering who is Wayo. Was he one of his father's colleague's son? He mostly would know his father's colleague's children. He was so used to be following his dad to parties or dinner for business.

And he never met Wayo before.

"I'm Ming's childhood friend, if you're wondering, P'," Wayo explained as if he could read Phana's mind.

Phana scratched his non itchy head as he was embarrassed Wayo could read his mind.

Wayo chuckled, "Owh, P.. You're so easy to read. You're like an open book!"

Phana blushed hearing that. Seeing Phana's reddened face, Wayo laughed harder. This Phana guys was cute.

Phana cleared his throat, "So.. Ming's childhood friend?" He asked. He was quite curious about the Ming before they met.

"Yeah, surprised how I could be that asshole's friend?" Wayo wiggled his while grinning cheekily.

Phana ended up listening to Wayo's endless rants about Ming.

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