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Chapter 27

Phana was now having his back stuck to the glass door trapped between Ming's hands on each side. The kisses they shared turned into eating each other as Ming pushed Phana to the glass door and what was left for Phana was to fight by nibbling him back.

They fought for dominance as Phana felt he was on the verge of losing himself.

But each kiss Ming gave him, had made Phana's feet turned into jelly he could feel Ming was dominating him little by little.

Phana gave in when he felt his member met Ming's, "Ahhhhh..."

"Oh, you like it when I touch you down there?" Ming slipped his fingers on Phana's hair as he tugged Phana a little to have access on Phana's crook between the line of shoulder and neck.

Phana jolted by the bite Ming gave there, sending shivers all of his body. Ming could feel he had found Phana's sensitive spot, so he licked and smooched it to push the composed Phana away and have the lewd Phana instead.

"Ahhhhnnn.... Please.. S-stopp.." Phana was begging for Ming's mercy. Ming smirked hearing that. The more Phana begged him to stop, the more he would torture Phana till he gave in to the lust.

Phana could not hold it anymore, he unbuckle his jeans and pushed it halfway only to take out his hardened length out.

He stroke his own length because Ming tortured his sensitive spot.

Ming followed and pushed down his jeans too, he took out his member to join Phana's, "Stroke them together, Phana." Ming commanded and Phana without saying any word took Ming's length and stroke it together with his.

The friction between their length make them harder than iron. And the members were hot. Phana played themselves down there as he wanted.

"Hnggghh... Fuck..." Ming moaned on Phana's ear, he had stopped torturing Phana since Phana took his length to rub Phana's.

Phana took this chance to flip their position. Now it was Ming who had his back on the cold glass door.

Ming raked Phana's hair as he thrusted his member to Phana's palm. Having Phana gave him handjob made him ecstasy. Phana rubbed and stroked their length faster as he was close too.

"Ahhhnggghhh... P-Phanaa... ahhhhh!!!!" Ming moaned Phana's name as they both reached the climax.

They were both busy catching the air to fill their lungs. It was amazing how they could cum that hard without even having one of them shoved their member to another.

Ming pecked on Phana's cheek and he rested his forehead on Phana's shoulder.

The next thing he said made Phana dropped his jaw opened, "Do me, Phana.."

"What did you just say?" Phana was in utter shocked, he thought he heard Ming wrong.

"I'll take you in my ass." Ming replied calmly while snuggling into Phana's neck. He wanted to give all himself to Phana. He was subtly suggesting for them to take turns in the future.

Phana was a man in the first place, if he ever felt like shoving his dick to some holes, Ming thought it was better be his hole. If Phana could take him, he could either.

Ming called Phana since Phana didn't reply his proposal. He was now hovering his lips in front of Phana's. Then he pecked Phana's red lips, "Come on, I'll take you.."

"But, it hurts, Ming... I don't think it will be the best idea... to.. have an amateur like me doing you the first time..." Phana said while letting himself dragged by Ming to the bed.

"You were a virgin the first time I did you, be cool." Ming smiled thinly as he caressed Phana's hair. They were both now sitting on the bed side.

"But you are great in bed and I'm..... I'm an amateur..." Phana knotted his brows and the dismay was clear both in his voice and eyes.

Ming frowned upon Phana's words. Great in bed, huh? So he thinks I'm a player and make only sense if I'm the one who does him?

So, Phana thought of him that way all along? He thought he was an amateur so it was okay if Ming did him and not okay the other way around?

Ming's hand were shaking as he was trying to caress Phana's cheek. He gulped down his tears that were almost rolling down.

Phana caught Ming's hand on his cheek. He could feel Ming was trembling. Phana took Ming's hand on his cheek and kissed it softly. He was now looking deep into Ming's eyes, "It's okay, Ming.. I'll take you.." The smile Phana gave was so sincere and Ming couldn't restrain the tears any longer.

He let them flowed down his cheeks as he bit his lower lip to muffle his sob.

Phana was stunned seeing Ming shedding tears he hurriedly hugged Ming to calm him down. "M-Ming...? Did I say something wrong? Am I hurting you?" He was panicking.

Ming leaned and sobbed on Phana's shoulder. He had his hands hugging Phana's neck. He let himself cry his heart out and apologized to Phana countless times between his sob, "I'm sorry..."

Phana was really lost for words he only stroked Ming's back with his hands. Why was Ming sorry for? He had done nothing wrong. It was more like Phana who should have said sorry for making Ming cry.

When Ming had done crying, he kissed Phana tenderly over and over again. As if Phana was dear to him. Phana almost felt he was loved. Even though he knew it was only his imagination.

"Let you do me, tonight.." Ming said softly between their kisses.

Phana tore their kiss away with his hands pushing Ming's chest. "Why? It will hurt.." Phana was worried he would be lousy doing it and Ming would eventually leave him even before their marriage terminated.

"Whatever it is, I'll take it.." Ming was determined that it would be only Phana who could do him. Because Ming did it out of love, so it wouldn't matter who took whom. As long as they became one.

After some thought, Phana finally agreed to do this. Maybe Ming was curious on how gay men would take dick in their ass. So, whatever Ming wanted, Phana would comply.

"I'll apologize beforehand if I don't meet your standard," Phana said as he pushed Ming to lie on the bed.

Ming smiled and pulled Phana into a kiss, "It will be good if it's with you, Phana.." he gazed at Phana tenderly.

Seriously Phana was really lost in his imagination. In his head, Ming was in love with him. The stares and kisses Ming gave him after he cried  were out of this world. Phana had to smack some sense to himself before imagining further. There's no way, it was all in your head, Phana!

Phana kissed Ming back tenderly. Since it was Ming's first time, he would do it gently,

so that Ming would praise himself saying he did him good.


To be continued

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