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Chapter 12

Phana stepped out of his room the next morning. He looked gallant as always. With his white doctor robe.

Ming had woken up when Phana was out of his room. He was making the table, preparing for the breakfast. "You have morning shift?"

Phana nodded, he clutched a watch on his wrist. He strode out to the front door. Ming ran to stop him. "Hey, eat first." He was catching on Phana's hand.

"But I'm late." Phana whined.

Ming dragged Phana to the dining table and pushed him to sit. "Now, eat." He commanded. Phana didn't oppose and ate the breakfast Ming prepared. It's a simple english breakfast. Phana hurriedly gobbled down the food on the plate.

As soon as he finished the breakfast, he stood up and walked away while saying, "Thank you."

Ming stopped him from walking and turned Phana to face him. "Your tie is crooked." Ming said as he fixed Phana's tie.

Phana gulped nervously. He was supposed to bury down the feelings towards Ming. He had been rejected indirectly by Ming. It was crystal clear that he would never have Ming liked him back.

Phana had been crying out his whole heart last night. In silence. Crying in silence felt more painful than wailing. He lost sleep last night. His eyes were hot, he would think of Ming instantly whenever he tried to close his eyes.

But Ming sure was different from Phana. He was his usual self. Carefree. He even made Phana breakfast.

Phana smiled thinly. As long as he could bring the freedom Ming wanted. He would do it. The marriage. Yes, for Ming.

"Thanks. I'm going then." Phana waved his good bye as he walked out of their apartment.


Ming came home after a long day of work. Nam nagged at him non-stop. He thought his ears were bleeding, listening to Nam all day.

Nam smacked him so hard when he told what he said to Phana last night. She only called him idiot for countless time and refused to tell Ming further.

It's time for dinner, so Ming started to prepare something. For him and Phana. He stopped by to grocery shopping before going home.

He chose pasta as the menu. Then he called Phana. Soon after he answered.

"Yeah, Ming?"

"When will you be home?" Ming asked.

"I'm having dinner with Forth, I think I'll be home late." Phana answered.

Ming's steps halted. He was about to put the pasta on the plates. He had his phone between his ear and shoulder. "Oh, right..."

"Ming?" Phana called him, as Ming fell into silence.

"Y-yeah.. Tell P' Forth I said hi. Have fun!" Ming cut the call.

He put his phone on the cabinet then he threw out the pasta into the recycle bin.

He grabbed his leather jacket and his car keys as he walked out of their unit.

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