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Chapter 26

Ming asked for Phana's car key when they reached parking lot. "W-what about yours?" Phana stuttered as he felt Ming was fuming and would bark at anyone who pissed him off.

"I'll have someone get my bike, now, your key." Ming commanded and Phana obeyed by giving him the key. Phana didn't want to have Ming shouted at him.

Ming wouldn't hesitate to kill a person or two who got in his way. And Phana didn't want to be one of them.

They soon drove away from the bar. Phana kept his mouth shut. He looked outside the window to distract himself from making Ming angrier than he already was.

But Phana couldn't stop himself from talking when Ming took the wrong turn. It was the opposite direction of their house.

"Ming.. you took the wrong turn.." Phana carefully spoke to Ming so he would not irritate him further.

"No. We're not going home." Ming answered and speeded up the car.

"Where are we going?" Phana was curious. Could it be they were going out of town?

"Why don't you sleep and rest, Phana? I will wake you up when we have arrived." Ming turned his gaze from the street to Phana. He was now speaking tenderly.

Phana could feel Ming was not that angry anymore. So, he moved his body a little to find comfort and closed his eyes.

Phana fluttered his eyes opened. They were stopping by at the side road, next to a cliff.

Ming was not on the car. Phana spotted Ming was smoking outside, leaning against the fence.

He then hopped off of the car to approach Ming. Phana blew his palms to ease the cold he felt. They were at the mountain.

"Ming..." Phana called Ming softly.

Ming turned his head as he turned off his cigarette. He invited Phana to his embrace, "You're up?" Ming said as he caressed Phana's arms to warm him up.

"Where are we?" Phana asked while yawning. It was almost midnight and the temperature would go lower.

"Stargazing." Ming replied as he pointed to the thousand stars on the night sky.

Phana's jaw dropped in awe. This was the first time in his life to witness magnificent view. Especially with Ming by his side.

"Happy birthday.." Ming whispered softly as he pecked Phana's right cheek.

Phana shifted his gaze from the sky to Ming's eyes. He couldn't choose which was more beautiful. The sky or Ming himself.

He felt somewhat special to be treated this way on his birthday by Ming. He had to remind himself not to get carried away. Because the sparks and love he felt were only on his head.

Ming would never think that way. So he should restrain himself better.

Phana bit his lip shyly and muttered a thank you to Ming. He was holding back from smooching the most handsome man next to him.

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