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Chapter 05

As soon as Phana touched Ming's palm to shake hands, Ming felt the tips of fingers Phana touched were tingled. His stomach churned as his heart thumped loudly. His throat felt dry, so he stood up abruptly and gulped down the bottled water in the fridge to satisfy his thirst.

But the thirst wouldn't go away. It was still there. Phana was astounded as Ming tossed his hand away and stood up right away. He furrowed his brows.

Phana approached Ming amd tapped his shoulder. "You alright?" The dismay was clear in Phana's voice. Phana was going to put his palm on Ming's forehead but the movement was halted as Ming slapped his hand away.

Ming stepped back to make some distance between them. Phana made himself restless, it was no good. "I- I'm fine," Ming stuttered.

Phana silently stared at Ming as he was checking if Ming was really fine.

"Y-you can continue whatever you were doing," Ming said breaking the long silence. Phana nodded and walked back to his room.

Ming felt like he needed to go anywhere which had no Phana. So, he took a shower and changed his clothes. He went out of his room as he glanced at Phana's room. He could see Phana was arranging his clothes in the wardrobe.

Ming cleared his throat, "I'm going out."

This made Phana jolted a little, when he turned his back to say something, Ming had already gone. Phana sighed heavily. It seemed like it would be hard for them to get along.


Ming was already back when Phana just came out of the shower. He had only a towl wrapping  his lower body. It hung low on his hips.

Ming was sitting on the couch playing his phone when he looked at the magnificent view.

He could see drops of water had not dried off on Phana's milky skin. Phana's wet hair made it even harder for Ming not to see.

Ming felt the dryness in his throat came back again. Why Phana always made him this way? The constant tightening chest, dryness in his throat, and churning stomach.

Phana wasn't aware of Ming's presence. Then a thud was heard. He raised his head from looking down to see Ming was looking at him. The thud sound was from Ming's phone falling.

Ming gulping down his saliva so hard. Phana stared blankly at Ming. Then Ming opened his mouth to say somehing but Phana walked quicky to his room and he slammed the door shut.

Ming cursed himself. He then walked to the fridge only to gulp down the big bottle of cold water. The thirst hit him hard. Seriously, what's wrong with me?!

Not long after, Phana got out of his room, looking dashing and all. Ming's heart went summersault. Now he felt like his heart was stuck on his throat.

Phana stepped closer to Ming in the kitchen. "Ming.." It was the first time Ming heard Phana calling him by his name. As Phana was getting closer to him, Ming stepped backwards. Judging by Ming's gesture, Phana knew Ming didn't want him to get any closer. So he stopped his steps.

"I'll be going to the hospital," Phana informed Ming as he had day shift today.

Ming nodded without looking at Phana. The air was getting awkward, so, without further ado, Phana left.

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