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Wonder why I always update daily?
Even twice a day.
Because writing is my newfound hobby and a stress relief.
My work was only getting stressful each day, that's why 😂

Chapter 34

Phana woke up early since he had morning shift today. Ming was still fast asleep. He was overworked for the past few days. Phana carefully slipped out of Ming's embrace and he walked to the door.

He spotted Wayo was preparing something at the kitchen. Phana approached him as he yawned and stretched his body. Ming never let him out of his arms the whole night. Phana wondered how Ming could hug him to sleep everynight without being all sore the next morning.

"You're up early, P'!" Wayo spotted Phana right away.

"Hmm. What are you doing this early?" Phana was curious. He had his ass leaned at the kitchen cabinet.

"I'm making breakfast for us." Wayo smiled.

"You and Ming were a total match, huh?" Phana blurted those words before he could stop himself.

"What do you mean, P..?" Wayo knotted his brows.

"Uhmm.. I mean.. you both could cook and good ones at that." Phana tried to explain himself.

Wayo chuckled, "Well, we're not only good at cooking, right, P..?"


Wayo smiled teasingly as he tiptoed to and whispered to Phana's ear, "We're really good at bed activities as well."


"Right?" Wayo winked at Phana still having his teasing smile.

A wave of heat crawled from Phana's stomach up to his cheeks when he realized what Wayo meant by that.

Phana fell into an awkward silence but Wayo had no changing in his attitude. Instead, he laughed at Phana's cute reaction.

"Owh.. P', you've tasted it yourself," Wayo teased Phana some more.

Phana covered his face with his palms. He was sooo shy, why couldn't he hide himself better? He wished to bury himself to the deepest layer of mother earth.

"He did you good, huh?" Wayo's harassment was endless made Phana blushed some more.

"Why are you blushing?" Ming asked sharply. He just woke up and he could guess how his day would go by with this foul mood he had.

Phana covered his warm cheeks with his palms.

What the fuck?! He's shy on Wayo?! Ming grumbled on his head.

The blushing Phana was the most alluring and captivating thing in the world, and now, Ming had Wayo witnessed such thing. Ming was boiling from his stomach to his head. He could feel his ears ringing.

"Why don't you just go home, anyway?" Ming held himself not to kick Wayo, literally.

Phana stepped forward and shielded Wayo from Ming's dominating aura. Wayo had his head looking to the ground. He shifted on his toes.

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