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Chapter 08

As soon as Phana saw Ming, he jolted from his seat. Ming was looking, no, glaring at Forth. He was gripping on Forth until his fingers became white. Ming clenched his jaw, he was very pissed and angry.

Phana tried to stop Ming from hurting Forth again by pulling Ming's hand.

"Let go." Ming hissed. Now he was already glaring at Phana.

But Phana didn't do as he wished. On the contrary, he pulled Ming's hand harder, "Stop it, Mingkwan!" He scolded Ming.

"And letting you have a dinner date with him?!" Ming snarled. Ming had let go of Forth, having his back at him. He was now facing Phana while his hands rested on his waist.

Phana frowned as soon as he heard Ming words, "What dinner date?? Heck, it was only a meal. I'm going to treat him to show my gratitude because he helped me yesterday." Ming's allegation didn't make sense to him.

"Oh, really? Then you should treat me too, because I was the one bringing you home!" Ming had pushed Forth farther and seated himself on Phana's initial spot. It was a long bench.

Phana raised his brows, he lost for words. Forth sighed and shook his head too. He knew Ming was crazy since the first day of SOTUS on their university days.

"What? Won't you show me your gratitude too?" Ming raised his head to Phana who was yet to sit.

Phana massaged his own forehead. He sighed then sat next to Ming, who was showing a satisfied smile to Phana as he nodded. Now, Ming was between Forth and Phana.

Soon, Phana and Forth's food were served on the table. Ming asked for the same menu they were having to the Aunty. Short after, his food was ready on the table too. They ate in silence.

The whole canteen was silent too after witnessing such a show earlier. It was kind of awkward, 3 hot guys, were having a fight, but now sitting and eating in peace. But Phana, Ming, and Forth didn't realize that the whole canteen watched the drama they were having. Their mind were too occupied to realize.


They were now at the parking lot. Phana's shift had ended for the day.

Phana turned to Forth. Forth brought Phana's car to the hospital, so it would only make sense if Phana drove Forth home.

But Ming was having different idea on his head.

"You can go home by yourself, can't you, P'?" Before Phana could ask Forth, Ming had spoken for both of them.

"No, I will drive him home." Phana replied instead of Forth.

Ming shook his head, "No, you will go home with me." It was more of a command than a request.

"Why are you always bringing him home?" Now, it was Forth who was speaking.

Ming smirked, "Well, because we are– ouch!" Before he could finish his sentence, Phana had stomped on his foot.

"Our family are having business together, that's why." Phana quickly reasoned out.

"That's right, we have business together!" Ming was back standing next to Phana, he even put his hand around Phana's shoulder, squeezing Phana to him.

Forth squinted his eyes looking at them. Minn smirked and ignored Forth's stare, "So, you're going home with me, right?" Ming said as he crushed their bones together.

Phana sighed and nodded, "Now, let go," he said. "I'm sorry, Forth. For all the troubles I have brought." He trully apologized to Forth.

Ming finally let go of Phana's shoulder but he clasped Phana's fingers with his right after.

Forth stared at their clasping hands without saying any words. After a long silence, Forth had finally come to his sense, "Don't mention it, Pha." He said tenderly as he waved his good bye.

Phana pulled his hand hard, away from Ming's. He was walking to his car. But his steps were halted by the one and only, Ming.

Phana couldn't help himself but to roll his eyes. Hasn't he had enough? Phana thought. Then he asked, "What?!" The irritation in his voice was obvious.

"You said you'll be going home with me." Ming said calmly despite the obvious irriation Phana felt towards him.

"Yes. I'll be going home with you, separately." Phana folded his arms on his chest.

Ming shook his head as he gripped on Phana's shoulder. "No. Together. By my motorbike." He emphasized each word.

Before Phana could protest further, Ming was already pulling him to his bike. Phana gulped. He never rode any bike before. "What about my car?" He asked.

"I'll have someone deliver it to home tonight." Ming said calmly.

Ming gave a helmet to Phana. Soon, they were seated on the bike. "Hold me." Ming said as he brought Phana's left hand to hug him.

Phana had no choice but to cling onto Ming since Ming speeded up. Ming smirked as he felt Phana was hugging him tightly.

They finally arrived safely at their condo. Phana breathed again as soon as he hopped off the bike. Ming was such a crazy biker. He never slowed down. Phana thought he would die on their way.

Phana glared at Ming who was laughing. Phana's hair was a mess, Ming reach his head to tidy him up.

And this sent Phana to freeze. He had just started to breath again, and now he stopped it right away. Because there was almost no gap between Ming and him. His heart went summersault. Fuck.

Ming finally stepped away. He smiled at Phana dashingly. As if he had not done torturing Phana yet.

It didn't stop there. Ming clasped their fingers together, pulling Phana to walk. Phana had no choice but to follow.

They kept their silence in the elevator as well as hallway towards their unit. Ming only squeezed Phana's hand every here and there. Ming felt contented.

When they reached the door to their unit, Ming unlocked the door by his key.

Phana was trying to free his hand from Ming's grip as soon as they came in. But Ming only gripped him tighter, "We need a new rule, Phana."

Phana blinked. He was the one who proposed about the rules, and Ming had not said his rule, so..

"Yeah, what's your rule?" Phana asked Ming.

"No more association between you and P' Forth." Ming stared straight at Phana with all of his seriousness.

Phana could only gulp. His throat felt dry being stared by those mesmerizing eyes.


To be continued

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