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Chapter 35

Phana, Ming, and Wayo had sat in the living room of Nam's condo. Phana could see Nam paced up in front of them with her hands crossed on her chest.

Nam was a beautiful lady with her silky long straight hair down to her back, waving elegantly as she moved back and forth.

Phana could see Ming was still having his deep scowl on his face while Wayo didn't stop biting his nails. He seemed nervous and fidgety.

Meanwhile Phana himself was living in his own confusion. He felt so much relieved after finding out that Wayo was not into Ming. He thought Wayo was feeling deeper towards Ming and was trying to snatch Ming away from him.

But that was not the case somehow and Wayo was having a girlfriend, a very beautiful one. But the girl in front of him was giving off a dangerous aura. Phana knew right away that this girl was having the upper hand in her relationship with Wayo.

Wayo looked so small slouching on the sofa and couldn't stop being restless. Today might be the last day of his, the day that he died... in Nam's hand.

"So, you had been staying at their condo last night?" Nam started to talk with her cold and dangerous tone. She was throwing the question towards her boyfriend, Wayo.

Wayo licked his dry lips as well as to calm his heart rate. As he didn't make any sound, Nam stepped closer to him, "Baby, I'm asking you~" On Phana's ears, Nam's voice sounded so sweet and spoiled. It was cute of her. She really was the girlfriend od Wayo.

But not to Ming and Wayo. They knew it was the most dangerous sound in the entire world. Nam would use this tone when she was really, really pissed. Wayo didn't dare to look at Nam's eyes as he could feel the coldest stare in them already.

Ming was still pissed at Wayo but he didn't have a heart to leave him under Nam's stare for too long. So, he helped Wayo out by saying, "Nam, he only stayed at our place to distract himself from thinking about the fight between you too, I believe."

"We only had little argument and you dared to stay someplace else?" Nam's face was changing from her fake sweet face to a scowl. She finally showed her true color.

"Nam, listen–," Wayo finally had found his gut to explain but Nam cut him immediately.

"You're lucky this time you stayed at Ming. If next time you choose to stay with some girls, owh I will make your life hellish!"

"N-No, baby, I won't!" Wayo had straightened his back and put his palms on Nam's cheeks.

"Don't baby me!!!" Nam immeadiately slapped Wayo's hands away and stormed to her own room.

She slammed the door shut, leaving Wayo, Ming, and Phana frozen in her living room.

Ming shifted his head to Wayo, "What did you do?" He asked Wayo as he was rather concerned now than angry towards his friend.

"B-Because I refused to do the kink she always wanted.." Wayo spilled too much information to Ming but he didn't care. He was always this blunt anyway.

Phana's jaw dropped to the floor. He knew Wayo was blunt but never did he think this blunt. Wayo had just talked about his sex life like it was the most normal thing to do between friends.

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