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Chapter 18

Phana bit his lips. He should have stopped this. Before he got his heart breaking too far. Phana fought the lust which was controlling his whole body.

Part of him wanted to do more. More than just kissing Ming. The kisses were good, but not enough. Never emough to satisfy the hunger which had grown too strong now.

But Phana knew it would end badly. As Ming would do whatever the next steps awaiting them, without a heart. Ming never used heart. He was a fuck-and-go kind of person.

And a part of Phana was afraid.. that Ming would be disgusted by him. That he would not take Phana all the way. Since he was a guy, he had no soft chests like the girls had. What if Ming was not satisfied with his body?

Ming kept snuggling his nose to Phana's nape as he grinded his length to Phana's buttocks. His member was hard, such a contrast with Phana's soft cheeks. Ming was ecstasic thinking how Phana would wrap him with the softest cheeks he got there.

Ming was too horny, he almost could not hold himself, "Phana..." He moaned Phana's name softly as he was leaking down there.

Phana could feel Ming's wet length which was poking him, made his boxer wet too. Ming really.. wanted him?

Ming licked Phana's nape as he was on the edge of breaking. He licked to satisfy the hunger. He needed to touch more.

As soon as Ming's tongue touched him, Phana muffled a moan, which was caugh by Ming ears. It was such an erotic sound, eagering Ming to do some more.

He was now biting and licking all over Phana's nape. Phana too couldn't hold his voice down. He moaned and moaned as he moved his ass to meet Ming's hardened member.

Ming's fingers crawled to the opened cave of Phana's mouth. They entered Phana's mouth to replace the absence of Ming's tongue.

"Suck it..." Ming sounded demanded, and Phana gave in. He sucked Ming's fingers dutifully. His saliva even rolled down to his cheek.

"Suck it more.... like how you'd blow me..." Ming talked dirty to Phana, it made Phana shivered.

Phana jerked the load he had been painstakingly holding. He was stunned himself. He cummed without touching his length?

"Ohh.. Naughty.. I like that.." Ming blew a breath on Phana's ear, and he attacked him by biting it.

"S-stopp....nggghhh..." Phana fought to escape Ming's embrace, but Ming held him tighter.

"Say it you want me..." Ming growled. His length kept hitting Phana's butt cheeks, he was so close to cum.

"Aanggghhh..." Phana moaned as he licked Ming's fingers on his lips, as if he was eating them.

"Good boy.." Suddenly Ming's fingers moved down and slipped into Phana's boxer, playing with Phana's hardened member.

"Look who's excited right after shooting loads," Ming kept talking dirty to Phana until Phana lost his mind.

Ming's fingers skillfully played with Phana's ball. Ming's another hand pushed the boxer Phana was wearing.

Phana was now half naked, his member sprung freely.

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