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I'm sorry for dragging the angst part too long.
I know this Ming is too slow. He is not the aggressive Ming we normally encounter.

His character here is slow. And Phana too has no courage to confess. That's why, it's a slow-paced story.

I am as curious as you guys how they develop their relationship. I cannot guarantee you a fast development. But I promise you it's a happy ending! With some fluff and smutty scenes along the journey.

Thank you for all of the support and patience you give me. I'm honestly overwhelmed by them 🥰


Chapter 16

Ming kept Phana's hand in his palm as he dragged Phana back to the room. He asked Phana to sleep some more, but Phana didn't want to.

So they were both stepping out of the guest room, they spotted Forth who was now sitting on the couch while watching TV.

Forth shifted his gaze from the TV to the intruders in his peaceful apartment. He switched off the TV as he huffed a long sigh.

He had his arms crossed on his chest, waiting for either Phana or Ming to say something. But seemed like they zipped their mouths as they didn't know how to tell Forth about them.

"So, husbands, huh?" Forth scoffed as he raised his eyebrows.

Phana and Ming kept their silence. They didn't nod nor shake their head. Their mind was too disorganized to talk right now.

Since both of his guests kept their mouths shut, Forth spoke again, "You're going back?" He was asking Phana.

Phana was pulled out from his deep thought he slowly nodded. He didn't say anything. No explanation.

"With him?" Forth pointed Ming with his chin, still asking Phana.

Phana nodded again. Ming squeezed his hand tightly. Honestly, Phana's hand was sweating because of the nervousness. His stomach felt funny as well.

"Right... That's why you rejected me in the first place. Cos you'll be married to this guy.. yeah?" Forth tried to fish out the truth from Phana. He had known all along, but seemed like the two people in front of him still had some problems to solve.

Phana glared at Forth so he would stop talking. Ming abruptly turned to look at Phana. He rejected Forth...? But he thought they...

So, Phana didn't like Forth? Or he sacrificed his feelings to be married with him?

All new information were jumbled on Ming's head. He felt dizzy because of the sudden news.

"... And you're not even gay, Ming. Why do you insist to proceed this marriage?" This time, Forth chose Ming as his prey. He asked as he smirked looking at the startled Ming.

Shit, he knows... Ming cursed silently.

Phana had shifted his gaze to Ming, now. And Ming dropped his gaze to the floor. How was he supposed to answer that. The answer was too obvious.

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