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Chapter 33

Ming came home to the nice, mouth-watering smell of curry and a twittering voice of... Wayo?

He walked faster to the kitchen, where he found Phana and Yo were chattering. Well, it was mostly Wayo who did the talking. Phana was constantly nodding and smiling while listening to Wayo.

Wayo stopped his talk and turned around to round his arm on Ming's shoulder, "You're back!"

Wayo was a small guy, so he ended up tiptoeing while having his arms clung onto Ming's neck.

Ming was shocked having Wayo suddenly jumped at him, so, he ended up gripping Wayo's waist to seek for balance.

Phana stared at them without batting his eyelashes. As if the time had come to tick slower, he looked at them moving in such slow motion.

Maybe it was just on his head. But he could not put aside the riot in his heart which were now crawling to his stomach. Phana felt nausea.

Seconds later, Ming pulled out of Wayo's reach as he put some distance between them. "Why are you here?" It was the first thing he could blurt out, and somewhat sounded rude.

Wayo squinted his eyes, he was ready to respond but Phana beat him, "He was here for you, Ming. Don't be rude."

Ming shifted his eyes from Wayo to Phana. He creased the area between his brows, "Is he really here for me? Not you?" Ming sarcastically replied Phana.

"Don't be ridiculous, he's here for you." Phana nonchalantly said.

Yeah? But you seem to enjoy his companion, no? Instead of saying that, Ming responded with, "Yeah, right."

"I even made you your favorite curry!" Wayo had his pouty lips as he was looking down.

"Gee, thank you." Ming rolled his eyes. He had enough of Wayo's antics. He'd been such a dramatic jerk all his life.

But the fake sadness on Wayo's face got Phana, "Mingkwan, don't be rude!" Phana barked at Ming, he looked angry.

"But–," Ming suddenly got tongue-tied since Phana was now having his arm around Wayo's shoulder.

"Sshhh.. It's okay.. he didn't mean any of that.." Phana was comforting Wayo as he caressed Wayo gently on the upper arm.

Ming cut the intimate contact between the two and put some distance as he yanked Phana's hand. Phana was shocked by the sudden pull.

"No touching between the two of you!!" Ming scowled. He could see a little smirk on Wayo's face but Phana didn't.

"Mingkwan, what's with you?! He's your best friend, is this how you treat them???" Phana pulled his wrist away from Ming's grip.

"Yeah, and having him touching my lover is okay, you think?!" If he had no affection towards Phana, he would have kissed the floor.

Phana had his mouth agape. He rubbed his nose. He should have been smacking and scolding Ming for being rude to Wayo, but he couldn't help feeling warm on his chest and crawled up to his cheeks.

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