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Chapter 10

Phana turned to a statue after he heard Forth's confession. What did Forth mean by serious?

"Forth.." Phana called him.

"I'll court you. Properly." Forth cut Phana's sentence. He would seriously court Phana. No more playing push and pull.

"Forth, listen.. I–," Phana was about to say something again when Forth stopped him with his palm on Phana's lips.

"Sshhh.. Just let me do it, properly this time.." Forth was half begging Phana. He had not asked Phana to be his yet, he only wanted to convey his feelings properly.

Forth got crush on Phana back in the university. From the time when they were competing on Campus Moon and Star. Phana was the most handsome Moon in that competition. Forth was bisexual so he was automatically attracted to Phana.

And as the person who played in both field, he could get a hunch that Phana was gay. Not bisexual, since he never reacted to girls. Forth had caught Phana reacted to his flirtatious behaviour, that's when his premonition was confirmed.

It was fun to tease Phana. He was cold yet sometimes his cheeks flushed over Forth being flirty.

Forth was being Forth. The Forth who was a player, changing partners everyday. Never settle for someone. He thought his attraction towards Phana was because Phana never gave back the attention to Forth.

But when he witnessed how Phana losing his cool over the kiss his junior had with some girl, it pissed him off. That was why he dragged Phana out of the bar. And asked him to cry.

If Ming was the one who made Phana shed tears, Forth wanted himself to be the shoulder for Phana to cry on.

He realized he was more serious than he thought. When the realization hit him, he already fell for Phana. He even wanted to settle with Phana.

(A/N: my forthpha heart is crying)

Forth caressed Phana's hair. He pecked on Phana's cheek as he bid good bye.

Forth was long gone when Phana turned his back to go upstairs.

But his steps were stopped as soon as he saw Ming looked at him with wide eyes at the lobby.

Phana gulped. Did Ming see him with Forth? How far he heard them?

"M-Ming.." Phana called Ming. He was so nervous that Ming had heard them talking. He was afraid Ming would know that he was gay. He didn't want Ming to feel disgusted living with a gay guy. Drops of sweat started to form on Phana's forehead.

As he was approaching Ming, on the contrary, Ming stepped backwards. Soon Ming turned his back to Phana, went to his bike and rode off.

Phana felt his heart thumping like crazy, his feet turned to jelly, and his fingers were shaking terribly.


Ming didn't come back home. It was already the next day since he met Ming last night. Now, Phana was having dinner by himself. He was not in the mood to eat but he knew he couldn't neglect his health just like that. So he forced himself to eat the gyudon which was delivered to the house.

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