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Chapter 41

It was 11AM when someone rang the bell. Phana and Ming was still covering themselves behind the quilt, they had a rough night. Ming didn't let Phana sleep at all. He really made use of every toy Phana bought online.

It had been 3 days since the first time they stepped into the villa, and they had not stepped out ever since. Ming asked the helpers to go home and he even granted them 3 days off.

Phana was irritated because they would be the one who made the bed, washed dishes, and cleaned the whole house. But Ming didn't let him to work on the chores at all. They were constantly either having sex or sleeping all the time.

They even ate whatever Ming could find online and ordered it right away. He said, he was having a feast on Phana so, no need to eat that much.

Now, they were still sleeping. Phana's ass was sore and it spread out to all of his body. He was so exhausted. They would have the wedding at 4 in the afternoon. He wondered how he should walk the aisle when couldn't feel his legs at all.

Phana's sleep was disturbed since the bell didn't stop ringing for 5 minutes now. When the bell finally stopped ringing, it was Phana's phone which rang.

Phana grunted as he trifled his hand to find his phone on the night stand. He was lying on his stomach and answered the phone with his hoarse voice. "Hello..?"

"Open the damn door!" The voice exclaimed, Phana had to remove his phone away from his ear. She sounded familiar. Phana looked at his phone screen. He frowned. An unknown number?

"Who's this?" He asked.

"Tell Ming he will kiss the floor if he doesn't wake up and open the door!" The voice sounded really irritated, so Phana shook Ming's body to wake him up.

"Hmmm...?" Ming fluttered his eyes opened.

Phana shoved his phone to Ming, and Ming answered it right away, "Hello?"

"Damnit, Mingkwan!! Open the fucking door!! You should have gotten ready by now!!" The shout from accross the line really woke Ming up like he had just showered with cold water.

"Shit!" Ming cursed and he cut the call immediately as he jumped off of the bed.

"Who's calling?" Phana frowned, he slowly sat up on the bed.

"It's Nam! I forgot to tell her about my absence from work!!!" Ming gasped in horror. He honestly had not prepared for Nam'a rage. He was so into Phana the moment they spent their time at this villa.

Phana raised his brows. "You said you were okay to leave your work...?" Did Ming lie to him then?

"If I told you I couldn't, you would be very likely to comply and let me work to death!" Ming raked his hair. Nam came here to skin him alive! He knew that very well.

"You're dead, Mingkwan.." Phana sighed as he walked to the wardrobe to find something to wear. They were both still naked and have purple marks on their body.

Phana threw some clothes to Ming, and he wore them immediately. Soon, they walked slowly to the main door where Nam kept pressing the bell with so much passion.

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