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Chapter 09

"You want me to... what?" Phana frowned after hearing Ming's nonsense rule.

"To put some distance from P' Forth." Ming said still staring at Phana. He was being serious, he didn't like Phana to be associated to Forth.

"You sound ridiculous right now," Phana got himself free from Ming's hands as he walked towards his room.

Ming immediately ran to stop Phana. "Wait, please hear me out this once!" He slid himself in front of Phana.

"How do you expect me to distance myself from Forth? I am good friend with him, even I'm closer to him than to you." Hearing Phana's words made Ming's chest clenched.

"Don't forget our first rules. Never meddle with each other's life. So leave me alone!" Phana pushed Ming away to enter his room.

He slammed the door right after, leaving Ming standing by his door.

Behind his door, Phana slumped down and hugged his folded legs. He hid his face. "What an idiot!" Phana muttered softly.

He leaned his head to the door as he sighed and closed his eyes. Phana was seriously pissed at Ming. Why would it matter for Ming whether he was close to Forth or not! It was none of Ming's business.

On the other side of the door, Ming raked himself as he stomped his way to his own room. He was so pissed both at Phana and himself. He didn't like the fact that Phana chose Forth over himself. Damn, he didn't even know why that mattered to him!


When the night fell, Ming heard Phana's door slammed. He abruptly opened his door to see Phana had already took shower, wore his casual shirt and completed with jeans. Phana sure was handsome.

Ming fought himself to find the voice that was almost gone with his sanity. Phana was that powerful to blow his mind away. "Where are you going?" Ming found his sense back.

"Not your business." Phana bitterly replied while clasping the watch on his wrist.

Phana was ready to go out as he twisted the doorknob but his movement was halted. Ming grabbed his wrist. "Where are you going?" Ming really demanded an anwer as he pressed every word.

Phana turned to Ming only to pull out his hand. "Not your fucking business." He hissed back at Ming and went out without saying any word.

"Fuck!" Ming punched the wall with his fisted palm.


Phana was going to hang out with Forth. He wanted to cover for the trouble Ming brought at the hospital when Forth was literally helping him from last night. He even went as far as bringing his car to the hospital.

So, Phana asked Forth to have dinner with him. And maybe he would invite Forth to watch movie too. Midnight movie when it was not as crowded as daytime. Phana hated crowded place.

Forth picked him up at the lobby of his condo. Forth was leaning against his car when Phana came down to the lobby.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting." Phana apologized.

Forth smiled as he opened the passanger door for Phana. "Well, you will treat me to dinner, I guess I am that excited hearing free food, that I unconciously come early."

After closing the door, Forth walked to the driver side and crawled up. "Let's go!" He said excitedly. Phana only shook his head.

What they didn't know, Ming saw everything and tailed Forth's car with his bike.

Phana and Forth had their dinner at a quite fancy restaurant. Phana insisted he wanted to treat Forth in his favorite restaurant. Phana said they had the best steak in town. And he didn't lie about that.

They chatted long enough to commemorate the golden days they had back in university.

On another table, Ming scowled as he cut the steak on his table. He was far but close enough to see them having their best time.

Phana was dressing up to have dinner date with Forth?! Fucking really? When he was living under the same roof with his soon to be husband? The more Ming saw them the more irritated he got.

After some time, Phana asked the waiter for the bill and paid with his card. They left to see the midnight movie.

Ming hurriedly paid his food too and tailed them.

He frowned when both of them entered the cinema. A midnight movie? It was confirmed that they were having a date!

When Phana and Forth had gone inside the studio, Ming asked the clerk about the seat they took and he bought a seat four row above them.

During the movie, Ming didn't pay any attention to the movie. He didn't even know what movie he was watching. He was there to stalk the two close "friend" that were too close for Ming's taste.

The movie felt longer than it supposed. At least that was what Ming thought. He was restless during the movie. He couldn't see how Phana's expression changed watching the movie. He clucked his teeth. It should be him who sat next to Phana. Not his senior.

Ming was relieved when the movie ended. He bended down when the light came on. He also covered his face with his palm. After they walked some distance, Ming finally stood up and left his seat.

Phana and Forth was moving towards the parking lot. They finally headed back. Ming blasted his bike and went home.


Forth's car stopped at the lobby. Forth followed Phana to get off of the car too. Phana frowned as he was confused why Forth had to get out of the car too. "You're not going?" Phana asked.

Ming was at the distance where he could hear them talking.

Forth was quiet for some time. "Forth?" Phana tapped Forth's upper arm since Forth didn't answer him.

Forth cleared his throar as he scratched his nape. "I think I need to tell you something." He finally spoke up.

"Yeah? What is it?" Phana tilted his head.

"I knew you were gay from the start I saw you," Forth spilled his thought. Phana was not surprised himself, because he had a gut that Forth had known about his sexual orientation since the beginning.

Then Forth continued, "And I think you know how I flirted to get your attention back then. I was not serious that time."

Phana chuckled as he shook his head. He was going to say something when Forth suddenly said with a serious face,

"... but I am, now."

To be continued

Why am I rooting for ForthPha as well 🥺
I even have to remind myself that it is MingPha fiction lol.

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