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Chapter 14

Ming raked his hair harshly. He even had his fingers turned to white. He could not believe himself. He had feelings? Towards... Phana?

Nevertheless, he thought he was straight. He never had slightest feeling to any guy. He felt disgusted as his mind wandered to the idea of fucking guys.

Then his mind wandered to how he would kiss Phana. He gulped. He didn't feel that idea was displeasing, rather, he felt thousands of butterflies in his stomach. His heart went summersault too.

His throat felt dry. He, not even liked, but loved... Phana?

Ming bit his lower lip as he raked his hair harder. Such realization hit him very hard. He felt his feel turned to jelly. His whole body was shaking.

He.. loved Phana. He had just confirmed it himself. The heart that beat so fast whenever Phana was around. The ache he felt all over his body when Phana was with Forth. The obsessive he got over Phana, even when Phana chose someone else, he was ready be the second option for Phana.

Ming even proposed him to have an open marriage. So he could get Phana lawfully, even without Phana's heart in equation. Yeah, he should be content with that.

And Phana agreed to that. He promised to went along with that scenario.

Why Phana now wanted to end everything? Was everything went too smooth with P' Forth that Phana had decided to fight for their relationship? So, he chose to abandon Ming and his relationship instead.

Ming felt something was stuck on his throat. His eyes became hot and watery.

Nam hit his head really hard. She even kicked Ming so he was now lying on the floor.

"YOU HAVE THE GUT TO FUCKING CRY NOW?!" She screamed her lungs out.

Ming was silent. Tears were now rolling down his cheeks like waterfall.

"You were supposed to clear this mess instead of crying like some baby!!!" Nam kicked him again. He swore that Nam would kill him very soon.

Nam kicked him some more. She then leaned closer to Ming as she fisted on Ming's collar, "Go!!! Get your man! I won't tolerate any spineless man here!!" She hissed.

Ming stood up abruptly and strode out of the office. He fished out his phone and hit a number.

"Dad, where are you?" Ming didn't wait for any response first when the line was connected.


Ming arrived at a restaurant. He could spot his dad and Phana's father easily since they already booked some tables so they could talk without intrusion.

Ming rushed to them and sat. He was breathless. Mr Kongthanin was kind enough to slide a glass of water to Ming.

Ming gulped it down and put the glass on the table as he exhaled. Sweats were forming on his forehead and beneath his nose. It was clear that Ming had been hustling to reach there.

"I believe it's fair enough to let you share your thought." Mr Daichapanya was the first one to open his mouth.

Ming's gaze finally shifted to his dad. Mr Daichapanya could see that his son had been crying before coming. His eyes were wet and red.

"Dad... I..." Ming started to speak. Words were jumbled on the tip of his tongue. He didn't know where to start.

Mr Daichapanya kept his silence as he let his son to finish his explanation first. Meanwhile, Mr Kongthanin calmly sipped his tea.

"I'm sorry that I'm not as straight as I thought." Ming decided to come out first. He told his old man without batting his eyelashes. He looked straight to his dad. Ming was determined to let them know, anyway.

Mr Kongthanin placed his cup back on the table. His fingers circled around the edge of the cup. He stretched his left side of his mouth, forming a half thin smile, "What do you mean by that?"

Ming averted his gaze from his dad to Phana's father, "I'm bisexual, Sir."

Mr Daichapanya and Mr Kongthanin shared a stare. "So, this morning my son came out to us saying he's gay. And now is your son's turn?" A laugh escaped from Mr Kongthanin's mouth.

Mr Daichapanya chuckled hearing that. Ming furrowed his thick brows. They laugh at this??? Really???

Mr Kongthanin cleared up his throat and stared back at Ming, "Both of you seem like develop an interesting relationship, yeah?"

Ming didn't respond. He was too confused to say anything. He thought he would be beaten to pulp by his dad if they figured out he was not as straight as he used to be. But now, they were both even laughing? After he came out of the closet?

"We think you need to talk this out with Phana, instead of coming to us, son." Mr Daichapanya gave his insight. 

"I want to proceed with the wedding, despite the sexual orientation Phana and I have." Ming proposed his will. He wanted to make sure that the wedding was not cancelled. He would make Phana stay with him.

"We never oppose any kind of sexual orientation. We even proposed this same sex marriage to you both. I think we are content as long as you both are married. Despite the sexual orientation or any feelings that you might develop in the future." Mr Kongthanin gave out his share of thought.

Mr Daichapanya nodded in agreement. "It's business, son. We won't meddle further. We need your names on paper. If it's done, the ball is in your hands." He smirked.

Ming blinked. So, their parents agreed. After some time, he stood up then before he walked out, he said, "I will try to fix this." Then he bowed to his old man and Mr Kongthanin before going out of the venue.

To see Phana.


Ming called Phana countless times. They always connected to Phana's voicemail. Phana had his phone switched off.

Ming tapped his fingers on his motorbike, as he was leaning his body to it. Then an idea came to his mind.

Maybe... maybe if Ming was not mistaken, the only person he would let himself lose his facade off was around that particular guy...


Ming gritted his teeth as he wore his full face helmet and blasted his bike off.

To Forth's home.


To be continued

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