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Chapter 38

The wedding date was getting closer. Phana was getting busier. He took double shifts so he could take a two week worth of honeymoon with Ming after the wedding.

On the other hand, Ming was as busy as Phana. He was forced to work his ass off by the devil Nam, she didn't tolerate any slack off, even if Ming whined about how sleepy and exhausted he was everyday.

He was more and more pissed because he could not have the quality time he needed with his beloved Phana.

The time he went back to home, Phana would either be sleeping or be gone to the hospital. Or when he woke up and got ready to work, Phana was back and threw himself to the bed without giving Ming the 'I'm home' kisses he had promised.

Whenever that happened, Ming would help the sleeping Phana to change his clothes and kissed him goodbye before he went to work.

The wedding would be held at the beach, near Phana's private villa. Mostly the guests were their parents' colleagues. It was such a big wedding in the business world, they even had foreigners on their guest list.

They even hired professional body guard and highly alert securities for their upcoming wedding. Well, it was all done by the parents though. Phana and Ming were told off to leave everything on their parents. They only needed to show up on the wedding day.

It was three days before the wedding. Ming came home feeling wrecked and sleep deprived.

"Had a rough day?" Phana walked to Ming gracefully, he was freshly out of shower with his comfortable clothes and damped hair.

Ming strode faster to meet Phana halfway. He hugged and nuzzled his nose on Phana's crooked neck. Phana smelled so good.

He missed him too much. Ming had not talked longer than 5 sentences to Phana for more than a week. All he did was stealing kiss from Phana while he was asleep, or exchanged greetings when Phana got home from his night shifts and Ming was getting ready to work.

"Baby.." Ming sighed as he inhaled Phana's fragrance. Phana's smell calmed his heart and made him relaxed.

"Hmm?" Phana out his chin on Ming's shoulder as he was hugging Ming back.

"I've missed you so much!" Ming smooched on Phana's cheek.

"The feelings is mutual.." Phana tenderly kissed Ming's jaw down to his chin.

"I hate work. I can't wait our two-week honeymoon that's worth of sex!" Ming felt excited thinking about their escape. He would surely devour Phana to his heart's content without having anyone stopping him.

Phana chuckled in Ming's embrace. That was typical of Ming, his head was full of sexual thing it even amazed Phana sometimes.

"Why don't we escape to my beach house and lock ourselves till the wedding?" Phana shoved his crazy idea on Ming's head.

"We can really do that???" Ming was astounded of Phana's brilliant idea. The classic Phana would be as strict as Nam but with cuddles, kisses, and sex as reward.

"I've told my supervisor about this and he gave me permission." Phana stated calmly. He had been taking double shifts non-stop to take longer vacation with Ming. He had promised Ming to bring him to the Kongthanins' beach house.

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