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Chapter 17

Phana was awaken by the soft snores. It was from Ming. Phana was astounded as he was wondering how could Ming sleep with him.

Phana was ready to slowly shift off from the bed. But Ming grabbed his arm. Phana froze in his place. He turned his head slowly to Ming.

Ming was already staring back at him.

Phana blinked.

"Where are you going?" Ming asked him with his deep voice sending shivers down to Phana's spine.

"... I'm thirsty.." Phana could only think about it as the reason. Intially he wanted to sleep wherever but next to Ming.

But he was afraid Ming wouldn't like that idea, so...

Ming sighed as he sat up, "Wait here, I'll bring it to you." He then walked out of the room to get the water Phana needed.

Phana gulped. Why he felt like Ming acted differently towards him? Ming was... gentler? Nicer? He didn't know but Ming changing his attitude all of sudden made Phana restless.

He even asked Phana to marry him. Did he want the freedom he once wanted, that bad?

When Phana was still lost in thought, Ming was already back, bringing the luke warm water for Phana.

Phana gulped it down instantly. His heart rate was raising, his throat was dry, he felt hot. Even he thoughtt the fever was coming back.

Ming made it ever worse. He touched Phana's forehead to check the temperature. Phana looked flushed.

"Your fever has gone, but your cheeks are slightly pink." Ming said as he frowned harder.

"Do you think it's possible to have pink cheeks when the fever has gone away?" Ming asked Phana. With all seriousnees he got.

Phana shook his head weakly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ming asked again.

Phana nodded.

"Want to see a doctor?" Ming was seriously worried.

Phana shook his head, he was fine... he was just... love sick. Yeah, if it was even possible.

Phana blushed even more by his own idea. What the fuck he was thinking? What's with the love sick thing?! Ugh, did he turn into a cheesy ball or something?

"Then, let's get you to bed.. It's still 3AM. You cannot lose sleep." Ming tapped the space next to him. He was already sitting in his previous position.

Phana gulped down his saliva to dampen the dry throat which would not go away, even after he drank up the whole glass.

"Phana..?" Ming called him.

Phana's eyes shifted from the empty space next to Ming, to Ming's eyes. He could see Ming furrowed his thick brows.

"What's wrong?" Ming asked with an obvious dismay in his voice as soon as Phana's eyes met his.

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