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Chapter 21

Phana was in front of the standing mirror in his room. He was trying to calm himself as the party would be starting anytime soon.

The guests started to come in, the noise could be heard from Phana's room upstairs.

He would be officially engaged any minute now. To Mingkwan, the one who once Phana hated but ended up fell into his charm so deep that Phana could not help himself.

It would be like a dream came true if the marriage was not for business purposes. Phana was even confused as to whether felt happy or sad towards this marriage.

He was going to wed the one he loved, but all of this was fake. No feelings was supposedly involved. If he was the only one in love, would it still be marriage without love? Would it still be a valid business?

Phana was startled by the knock on his door. Ming peeked his head from the door.

He then invited himself in, since Phana was still in dazed. "Are you ready?" Ming asked as he walked towards Phana.

Phana nodded without a word. His mind was still all jumbled.

Ming leaned closer as he touched Phana's shoulders with both of his hands. They shared a stare for a while.

Ming was the one who broke their silence, "Are you nervous?"

Phana nodded as he averted his gaze from Ming to the floor. He bit his lower lip. His nervousness was showing.

"Don't be. I'm right here.. I've got your back." Ming reassured Phana, trying to calm down his tension.

Phana nodded again without saying a word. Still looking down.

Then suddenly Ming embraced him. Ming caressed Phana's back. He sighed, "Please take care of me, Phana." Ming said softly.

Phana's grip on Ming's shoulder blades tightened. "Yeah, are we on the same page now?"

"Sure. It's us against the world now." Ming let go of Phana and touched Phana's hair tenderly. Ming chuckled.

A smile bloomed on Phana's face, "Friends?"

"No.." Ming moved his hand which was touching Phana's hair down to Phana's hand.

".... Husbands.." He spoke tenderly as he got their fingers intertwined.

If this was marriage out of love, Phana most likely would swoon. But instead of the tingling sensation, it was the pain that he felt.

Phana bit his lower lip to hold back his tears that were threatening to roll down. Ming stared at Phana tenderly, as if Phana was dear to him. Phana had to remind himself over and over again not to be caught up on feelings. Ming didn't mean it the way Phana did after all.

Ming thought if they could not be lovers, at least they would be husbands for a year. Yeah, a year of having Phana for himself. He would cherish every moment till the last day.

"Let's go." Ming pulled Phana a little. Phana nodded and let Ming led their way.

The moment they stepped into the garden, all eyes were on them. Two hottest bachelors were not available anymore.

"Aww, love wins indeed!"
"Who needs girls when they were both this hot!"
"A tiny bit part of me wished one of them would be with me."
"Then I tag Phana!"
"I choose Ming, then."
"Oh, not in a million years, darling!"

Phana caught some whispers between the guests. He smiled hearing them.

Ming heard them too, he leaned closer to Phana. His lips stopped near Phana's ear, "I guess I'm marrying a dream guy?" He teased Phana.

"Yeah? As if you are not?" Phana retorted as he pushed Ming to step back a little. Ming was too close to his taste.

Their clasping hands had given him enough butterflies on his stomach. He felt like he would be fainted in any minute if Ming stayed closer than he already was.

"Everyone, please welcome our couple of the night!" The MC exclaimed. The guests clapped their hands and cheered, even the seated ones stood up.

Ming's gang and Forth's gang were the loudest. Phana's gang only contributed in laughter.

Ming and Phana walked forward to the mini stage in the middle of the garden.

As soon as they stepped onto the stage, Phana could feel the engagement was really happening.

Ming and Phana gave out their speech, then the MC asked them to exchange the engagement rings.

After they both slid the ring onto each other's ring finger, the MC led them to kiss.

Phana and Ming both shared a stare. Ming stepped closer to Phana.

He intertwined their fingers once again as he leaned closer to Phana. He stopped right before  Phana's plump lips. He asked softly, "May I?"

Phana bit lis lower lip as he nodded shyly to Ming.

Ming's lips came closer to Phana's, so Phana fluttered his eyes closed.

Then he felt Ming's lips on his. Phana could feel Ming was trembling. He pulled out to check on Ming.

But Ming pulled Phana's nape and crashed their lips once again. Now he was nibbling Phana's lips.

The guests went silent as they witnessed the couple of the night kissed passionately on the stage.

Most of the guests felt the heat radiating from Ming and Phana who were lost in their kisses. Some of the guests felt hot as they were watching the two kissed, no, eating each other.

The MC was trying to save them from tearing each other's clothes by clearing his throat loudly, "W- What a passionate kiss!"

Phana tore their kiss hearing him. Fuck! How could he forget they have audiences! Phana cursed mentally.

Ming had his breath rushed as he was trying to calm himself. As soon as their lips touched, he had this obsession towards Phana that he could even lost his cool.

Ming never wanted to let go. He didn't wish to end their kisses.

Phana had his cheeks flushed after the-kiss-turning-to-make-out he just had.

Beam and Kit watched the two wordlessly.

"Business, huh?" Kit smirked as he turned his face to Beam.

Beam stared back at him while snickering, "Yeah, sure... business..."

"Funny business?" Kit asked as he looked back at Phana and Ming standing in awkwardness.

"Funny business." Beam confirmed while nodding.


To be continued
Works have been crazy shit, I'm even losing sleep.

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