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Chapter 40

"Ming...?" Phana was confused. The only free limbs he had was his feet but Ming had gripped them tight on each hand.

"So, you have that dirty mind in you as well, huh?" Ming spread Phana's thighs wider and he leaned closer to Phana's mouth.

Ming whispered, "You've tortured me enough..." He slowly made a line on Phana's jawline with the tip of his nose. Phana gasped an air because of the tingles.

Ming finally had his naughty lips hovering above Phana, "Let me return the favor this time.."

Soon, he crashed his lips on Phana. He kissed him so passionately while his fingers were moving down slowly, caressing Phana's milky skin.

His fingers stopped by the small protrude behind the see-through kimono. It was the nipple, it looked deliciously alluring.

Ming left Phana's mouth only to taste the nipple with his tongue. Phana's body jolted as he felt something wet teasing his nipple behind the fabric.

Ming didn't intend to remove the red fabric that wrapped Phana's body because he looked sexy as hell with the contrast of the red color and his pale skin.

"M-Ming..." His name was unconciously escaped from Phana's sinful lips. The part of kimono on Phana's bulge was showing darker shade of red. Phana leaked only from the licking he gave on his nipples? What a lewd body.

Ming moved farther down, now he teased Phana's navel. "Ahnnn...!" Phana produced a louder moan because of that.

Ming was instantly more turned on, so he grabbed something on the night stand. Phana looked at what toy Ming just took, and his eyes opened wider in horror. Did he just...

Ming smiled mischievously catching Phana's fear on his face, "Owh? You bought these all yet you expect me to keep them unused?"

Phana blinked several times, then Ming leaned closer to him and continued, "We will make a use of them all, darling.." Ming winked as he put the flashlight on Phana's leaking member then turned it on.

Phana gasped some air as he tried to kick away the funny feelings with his feet. Ming chuckled seeing that so he stopped Phana from kicking his feet in the air with his palms. He slid them down to Phana's thighs and he kissed the inner side of them until his lips arrived on the crotch area.

Phana's length was massaged by the toy, and Ming helped it by licking and sucking on Phana's ball.

It was another Phana's sensitive spot, he arched his spine only to have Ming paced up his activity since Phana granted him a wider access to the hidden area.

Ming let Phana's feet rested on his shoulders while his tongue was now leaving the ball and moving down to the hole.

Phana arched his back even more, it made Ming shoved his tongue deeper to his ass, "Hnggg... so good... I'm close..." He moaned seductively only resulting Ming to fasten his foreplay.

Ming leaned off from Phana. When Phana thought his torture had come to an end, it had not. Ming replaced the flashlight on Phana's-soon-to-burst-member with the rubber ring like what Phana used on him earlier.

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