Chapter ten

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Sudan, Khartoum.

Happy late birthday bebe TeemahGujbawu 💗


Khaleel let out a shivering sigh shifting his weight from one leg to another. His hands were crossed against his chest as he watched her close trying to come up with the best possible way to break the news to her when she is so adamant on her decision. Mission impossible.. Absolutely impossible!

"If you can't tell me why then I am sorry nothing is changing my mind" she replied averting his piercing gaze. What is up with him and that look?

He said nothing, instead he pinched the bridge of his nose watching her as if he was thinking or simply trying to unravel all her secrets. This look.. She hates the look, it got on her last nerves, always.

"Excuse me" she tried walking pass him but he was quick to block her way. There is absolutely no way she can over power him, he is tall, so tall she had to look up so she saw right through his eye balls. Obviously he was much more stronger than her with his muscles body obstructing her view

"Why are you doing this?" She asked irritated.

"Don't go, trust me."

Trust him?  She scoffed. after all she heard there is no way she can trust him.


He let his arms fall beside him, "Just trust me" and with that he turned on his heels and walked away.

Aamirah wanted to scream because of how irritated she was. He is always doing that, toying with her mind and making decisions for her. Why is it so hard for him to talk to her and communicate with her?

"Ugh. Allah help me" she groaned walking to the vanity table behind her. she is not wearing any makeup just a swap of mascara to her eyes and lip palm to her pink full lips. Smothering down the black straight gown she is wearing and adjusting the pink cape, she sat down on the bed.

Is she doing the right thing by going? She can remember the worry lines that appeared on his forehead when he heard she was going out and how he banged inside the room telling her not to go without giving her any legit information.

Something gnawed in her, fear of the unknown. Maybe she should just bail out on him last minute but that will just give Khaleel more reasons to make decisions for her

The door flew open and Myra grin cheekily at her. "He is here"

Too late. No time to think Mimi.

She didn't know why she was getting nervous, it is just Hassan. The Hassan she has been friends with for the past one month, the Hassan she laughed along with and listened to his jokes all night long.

"You look fab! Thank God Mummy traveled. Freedom.." Myra sang dramatically and Aamirah laughed.

Alhamdulilah for that cause she has no idea how she will start explaining to aunty Kulthum who Hassan is.

"Imaam and I are going for ice cream while Adda JamJam is with, you know who is the gazebo" she said as the walk down the stairs, that's when she noticed she was dolled in an off shoulder top and jeans.

"Obviously. are they finally dating now?"

Myra shrugged. "This two? Only Allah knows. They are so secrative and confusing"

Aamirah chuckled agreeing. She met Khaleel sitting on the couch working on his laptop. When their eyes locked for a second, she suddenly felt guilty.

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