Chapter fourteen.

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Sudan, Khartoum.


His jaw hardened at the sight of Hassan and the words that flew out from his mouth.

He wasn't found until the third day, hiding in a small town in the country.

Now that he finally thought he found all the answers to his question, the missing piece to the legendary puzzle of Finding Aamirah. He can't help but think, maybe he was on the wrong track all along.

Something is definitely not right. He needs to take a different route, fast.

He blew a shivering sigh between his cold lips as his dark, frustrated clouded eyes meet Hassan's sacred, frustrated ones.

"I don't know where she is. Wallahi"

Damn it! He swore again and again, this is getting harder to understand if he was lying or saying the truth.

"She has been missing ever since your lunch date. What do you mean you don't know where she is?" Jameelah asked rolling her eyes.

"I offered to drop her back but she said she didn't want me to meet Khaleel because of our.. Issues"

"How could you?!" Noticing the tension growing between Jameelah aand Hassan, he cleared his throat.

"Do you have any clue where she might be?" This time Hassan hissed loudly.

"I swear on Khadi's grave I don't know where she is, I don't even care if she is alive or dead. Yes I was planning on using her just so I'll get back on you for what you did to me but I never had the chance"

"Hassan!" His twin growled shocked, "SubhanaAllah! What is wrong with you?"

"I will be fine with no soulmate, parents or siblings" he deadpanned standing up from the chair in the opened air gazebo of the hotel his brother was lodging at.

"I didn't get you disowned, you did what had to do" Hussein replied while his twin walked away shamefully without any last words or goodbyes.

"That's all I've got. I have to catch my flight back home but I hope you find her soon, somehow, InshaAllah" Hussin left leaving Jameelah and Khaleel to their thoughts.

"JamJam that was our last card" he sighed disappointed in himself.

She choked on her drink of cold water, quickly dabbing her mouth with the saviette placed before her, she exhaled deeply. "Ya Allah! Card! Khaleel card! The card!"

He raised his eyebrow in confusion. maybe the fact that Aamirah is missing is taking a troll on Jameelah as much as it is taking on him. "Which card?"

"We have to get home quick, I might know where Mimi is"

She gathered her bag and walked away with Khaleel on her heels.


It is taking a huge troll on him. The never eneding adventure of finding Aamirah or the latest, rescuring Aamirah. They had found the same Raina NGO card' she came along with the first day he saw her and behind it is a number with the name hajiya Hiba written under.

With great difficultly they found out what or rather who they are after now, her dearest uncle. sarcasm intended.

Now even when it's been five days since Aamirah has gone missing, the mood of the house is still gloomy, sad and heart wrenching.

He can feel himself losing hope, slipping away slowly and the fact that his family is not giving him space to breath or think is adding to his list of problems.

Slipping on his grey hoodie, he jogs down the stairs but stop by the door to retrive his ringing phone from his pocket. He groaned immediately, and hour ago it was Ya Aisha now it's Ya Maamah.

"I don't know how you guys expect me to grow when your always on my case. I promise you, this time I won't turn to drugs for help, I will talk to you guys when I feel the need to talk to anyone. Besides Allah Subhanahu wata'Allah is always here for me to talk to anytime of the day.." He said immediately when he answered her call somehow pissed.

"Thank you for letting me know. Good luck growing Khaleel, I wish you all the best in life. I just wanted to tell your Zeezee is home again, she is having martial issues. if you have her time call and talk to her, she has been a crying machine for the past twenty four hours. Goodbye grown man!" She hung up.

Khaleel gritted his teeth at the latest information he recieved from his pissed sister, it will be the second time this year.

He dialled her number immediately walking to the gazebo. "Assalam Alaikum"

His heart broke at his sister's voice which is heavily laced with thick emotions, "Waa'alaikum Salaam. Ya Zeezee you'll be fine"

His soul pierced, pained, cried out from sadness when she let out a sob. At that moment all he wanted to do is to go home and hug his sister, she didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve what life is throwing her way "I can't do this anymore. I've been holding on for my kids but I can't.."

"Faa'inna ma'al usri yusra. Allah promised us that indeed with every hardship comes ease"

She paused, "I miss Mama. It breaks my heart more to realize that when I come home, I have no mother to accept me or be by my side"

This time a lone tear escape his eye. he can't even imagine what his sister is going through, this is not the first time but whatever happens his sister will not go back to the man who hurts her over and over. "I miss her too, so much"

They kept quiet for awhile before he spoke again, "How are the kids coping?"

"They are so young to know what's going on but if this doesn't work out they have to know"

He nods his head even though she can't see him. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask her what happened this time but knowing Ya Zeezee, she will talk when she is ready.

"How is everything over there? Ya Maamah said something about a girl missing" she asked diverting the sourful topic.

"We are yet to find her but InshaAllah soon"

"Allah ya fito da ita"

"Ameen. I'll talk to you later, please be strong and pray about this"

"InshaAllah. May Allah be with you and May you never treat your wife half of what he did to me, always remember if you do it to others someone will do it to your sisters" she hung up while he replayed her words in his head. Over and over until he felt his eyelids get heavy and his legs give out when his head touched the  rectangle shape foam —his pillow.

That night, in his dream he saw two women behind him one is surely Batool but the other figure was fuzzy —almost as if she was not there but something caught his eyes.. Her innocent face with the most prettiest, shy, starstruck smile on her face.


Assalam Alaikum, How are you all doing? InshaAllah great! Right? MashaAllah.

wow wow wow!! Is the ship ready to sail?

Ya Maamah is savage😂❤

Who missed JamJam and Kabeer's. banters and oh, so extremely intense love?😩 cause i do.

Aamirah is still missing but clues are pointing to her 'uncle' could be the he' 😯

So many missing pieces, are you feeling me?

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Thank you, till we meet soon InshaAllah!

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