Chapter forty-six

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Abuja, Nigeria.


In a way, Aamirah saw this coming but many times she tried to convince herself that things will not turn out this way. But the reality is a hard pill to swallow. Khaleel had left her all alone refusing to acknowledge a part of her, refusing to embrace and love the most precious and sensitive part of her.

Vividly, after drowning herself in tears and sorrow, she heard him come home. The roar sound of his car driving through the gate.

The soft steps of his foot kissing the cold tiled floor, the careful movements of his hands unlocking and locking the door.

For a minute, he was quiet. Before she heard his loud breathing and after a couple seconds, the soft steps returned. He walked away. So easily from her.

Aamirah cried some more. If he can pull himself away from her this easy then he can definitely let her go.

Of course he can! He proposed the deal right from the beginning.

The bright morning sun shine through her windows. Somehow, she forgot to pull the curtains last night but then again she forgot to do lots of things last night. Like holding onto Khaleel, feeling the wave of his softness pour over her and his cool steady breathing fanning her face. It has been a long night. One she didn't anticipate even a little bit.

When she pulled herself up from bed. She freshened up quickly before getting a medium sized travelling bag that is stacked in the far end of the closet before rearranging her clothes in it.

With each clothing she arranged inside the bag, the more nervous she feels. In some hours time, she is going to see her mother. For the first time in so many years. Ya Rabbi! This is excitingly amazing to think!

Aamirah is too busy packing that she almost missed the short knock on the door. Almost. She froze for a minute waiting to hear any confirmation that Khaleel is standing right across the door.

"Assalamualaikum Aamirah.."

The toe curling voice that gets her all the time.

Subhanalilah! This is harder than she thought.

"Just a minute" she called almost breathless before putting away her underwear and shifting to pull the door open.

"Good morning Mimi. How was your night?" He asked casually.. as if none of last night happened!

"Fine Alhamdulilah"

Khaleel nod his head. "Our flight is in three hours time. I was thinking maybe we can visit Ya Maamah? she has been asking to see you.. Of course that's if you want.."

Aamirah bit her lip. "Okay"

"You don't have to, Aamirah"

Her toes curled up almost immediately. She can feel her heart racing faster and her stomach fluttering in delight. The toe curling Aamirah!

"I know Khaleel"

He nod his head.

"Can I visit Batool too? This might be the last time we will meet"

His shoulders tensed up.

"One last time.."

He inhaled sharply. Suddenly, his words failed him so he simply nodded and turned around to leave her. Right there. Without any word. Without any explanation or apology because nothing he will say can justify his actions. In this, he is guilty because certainly there is a part of Aamirah that he doesn't feel like he needs to know and embrace.

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