Chapter seventeen.

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Sudan, Khartoum.


Three consecutive days.

It has been three consecutive, good days since he saw Aamirah.

He couldn't bring himself to accept the fact that it happened and he didn't do anything to stop it. It happened and it is meant to happen but he wishes deep down it didn't happen this way.. Nothing can temper with destiny.

It is when Aunty Kulthum dragged him to her room two days after to talk to him did he come to terms with everything.

Now that Myra walked out of his room after informing him that Aamirah is up in her room, safe and sound. Clean and hungry free, he stood up to take a quick shower.

He dressed up in his ash jallabiyya and black trousers before proceeding to her room. He knocked once and twice before saying the salaam and pushing the door open, he spoke


He has never been this nervous to see her. Not at all. But now as he sat on the couch bag watching her sitting across him on the bed while tracing the pattern on her light blue dress, all type of nervousness came flooding him down.

"How are you?"

Seriously? How is she? She scoffed.

"I feel pathetic, useless and worthless" she deadpanned and he sighed.

That was a wrong move but how else was he suppose to start the conversation?

"you are not alone in this Aamirah, InshaAllah you will be fine. I'll make sure of that"

Tears brim her eyes. She needs him to stop and get the hell out of her sight! Is that so much to ask?!

"What.. What happened has already happened and I am so sorry for that, if i have my way none of this will happen. I just want to help you, please" he stammered

It felt like he opened the door she tried so hard to close, the tears came rushing down her cheek "Do you know who did It? We can't fight this if you don't speak up.. We-"

She broke down into tears so hard her shoulders shake as she bowed her head.

Fight as in court?

As if everyone knowing the truth and her taining herself as a victim of rape to the whole world?

"I understand it's too much.."

"Leave me alone. DanAllaah"

"You want to fight this, don't you?"

She took a deep breath wiping away the tears, "You can't fix this! You can't fix me, just let me be, please"

Khaleel stood up when he heard the call to prayer for Asr "Aamirah.."

Clenching her hand into a tight fist, she let him go on with his talk. "Just give me something, one name and I promise you I will track him down and get justice for you.. I need his name or something about him, anything you can remember.."

"Ya Rahman!" he gasped when he say her bleeding palm, he quickly grabbed a tissue and grabbed her hand subconsciously but she flinched and he stepped backwards.

"Don't ever try to touch me." She glared at him and nod his head.

What is wrong with him? He thought turning on his heels to leave her room

He needs a tighter grip on himself.



He laughed heartedly for the first time in a really long time. Why didn't he think of a conference call with his sisters all this time? "Ya Maamah enough with the teasing" Ya Aisha whined and Khaleel laughed.

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