Author's Note.

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Assalamualaikum babes 🙋🏾‍♀️  How are you all doing? InshaAllah good.

After a long time, I'm finally ready to close off the book, the professional way with a very detailed author's note. (Not very professional, my words are jumbled, I apologise ;(

Before we dive into all the heavy, heavy emotions I just want to say Alhamdulilah! Alhamdulilah! Alhamdulilah!

My biggest heart felt thank you to my family for not talking to me when I'm writing and understanding when I'm in my feels, kindly shut the door and move on. I loveeee youuu!!!❤️❤️

To my sister chocolatey_zeee
who surprisingly is not reading this book yet she knows everything that happens, even when I'm yet to pen it down. Thank you for listening and motivating me to write this. Love you❤️

To my amazing, AMAZING friends for loving this book even when they had no idea I was the author and when they found out, they loved it even more. amazingleeeemerh ekram_xx Aishaaadabai   Mysteryqueennnn
I love you guys so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️

To my day one readers, OladejoKhadijat  teemerhzahrerh ZaynerbAg  momisani and every other person who I forgot to tag and everyone who read, voted, commented and followed me on this journey, I'm forever grateful to you guys. I wouldn't be here without you. I love you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Pieces of Aamirah has been one long beautiful journey. When I started writing this book, I wasn't so confident. I had no idea what I was doing. I kept thinking, oh this is absurd no one is even going to read this book. No one wants to deal with something this heavy, no wants to cry over a book or try to figure out someone's life. People read to escape from reality not to meet with reality so this is just stupid!

So imagine my shock when ten people started reading this book, then eventually voting and commenting, guys– my heart was overwhelmed with so much love so when we hit 100k reads I couldn't believe it!!! Some days, I do but other days it feels surreal.

           I can clearly remember the day I started drafting down the story idea for this book. Wednesday, 31st July, 2019 at exactly 1:25pm. (Yesss I write everything down) I was writing down the plot, the name of the characters and developing the characters, the dates, the little or big things that never made it here and I was thinking, this book needs to move, it needs to be heart wrenching, the emotions need to be there, you need to feel it, you need to imagine it, the bond must be there, it has to be beautiful. And i really hope I delivered. Woooohh the pressure!

I was so into it down to the last detail but when the day to publish the prologue came, (2nd August) I was panicking. Everything felt so wrong. Like I said, I had no confidence in myself when it came to publishing this book. At that point, I was just doing it cause I made an announcement on my Instagram, if not, I would have deleted it.

I knew I wanted to write about this girl, Aamirah, who was raped. I knew I wanted to talk about mental health, I wanted to bring attention to how important mental health is.

The fact that MENTAL HEALTH is given little attention is baffling. If we don't talk about this enough and educate ourselves we will never know when someone is crying for help until it is too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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