Chapter twenty-two

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Nigeria, Abuja.

Khaleel smiled at Aamirah who subconsciously moaned after taking a bite of the rice and beans before her. She has added a reasonable amount of oil, Maggi and grounded pepper before mixing it together and eating.
When she felt Khaleel's intense gaze on her, she looked up shyly.

"What's wrong?" She asked and his smile widened gaining a sly smile on her lips.

"Nothing" he chuckled eating from the same plate while taking a sip of his orange juice. Aamirah was not convinced, rather she rolled her eyes pushing him more on it, "Tell me. Please"

"I just like looking at you is that a crime?" He raised his eyebrow sending shivers down her spine to her toes which curled up immediately at the zing of spark. She looked away biting her lower lip to stop the smile from forming. Luckily for her, Raina came to her rescue when her nanny walked with her.

"Dada!" She yelled running towards Khaleel who picked her up energetically.

"Hi my sweet Raina" he tickled her stomach nuzzling her close to him as she giggled.

"Dadaaa, aahmm!"

Khaleel chuckled sitting her on his lap "you hungry baby?"

"aahmm!!" she opened her mouth pointing to the plate of food which Aamirah scooped a little to feed her.

"It's too spicy for her" Khaleel inject gently while her nanny, Siddiqa walk with a small plate of Mickey mouse containing plain rice and little oil and seasoning.

"I'll feed her. Thank you" he collect the plate before keeping it on the table. Aamirah watched closely as he feeds Raina who stare at her with doe brown eyes as if assessing her of trying to figure out who she is.

"Can I feed her?"

Khaleel looked up at with a smile, "Sure. She is not a fussy eater so you'll be fine" he hand the plate to her and she scooped a small amount of rice, just like he did earlier before directing to Raina who willingly opened her mouth. The tears sting her eyes and Khaleel wondered what might have gone wrong. Without warning, she broke down into tears before excusing herself and leaving

"Dada! Heeerrr" Raina point towards where Aamirah sprinted off. He nod his head before feeding her the rest of the food. when she finished, he called Siddiqa who immediately set up the television and settled on Raina's favorite channel, Cbeebies.

When he gently pushed the door to Aamirah's room open, he found her curled on the floor crying hysterically as her body shook uncontrollably. Khaleel rushed to her worriedly

"I'm sorry" she hiccups and he wrapped his hand around her body carefully, as if scared of her reaction. When she wrapped her hands around him and cried into his neck, he sighed holding her closer, securely assuring her that she is safe.

"I.. I'm sorry, I don't know.. what is. Wrong, ..with me" she breathe in between her sobs

"It's okay, your fine"

"I scared her. Right?" She sniffed back her unshed tears pulling away slightly so she can face him. Using his thumb, he wiped away the tear that aimlessly rolled down her cheek breaking his heart

"To be honest Raina was more concerned than scared" he teased gaining a chuckled from her. "Tell me. Please. What is it?"

She paused for awhile and just when Khaleel thought she will never, ever talk to him or she doesn't feel comfortable enough to let him know what's going on in her head. She proved him wrong. "She reminded me of my baby sister.."

Khaleel stiffened. Younger sister?! Just how much of a mystery is Aamirah to him? How much more is she bottling inside? Should he expect more.. or is that everything? He sighed, with Aamirah, he should be ready anytime. It feels like the minute he feels like he knows her, he knows and understands Aamirah she surprises him more and unravel another layer of her.

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