Chapter twenty-one

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Nigeria, Abuja.

Rolling the window down, the soft breeze caressed her skin gently. The sky is a mixture of deep orange as the sun is setting. Aamirah inhaled deeply. She can feel the tears stinging her eyes, tears of joy. She can feel Khaleel's hot stare on her as she turned to face him.

"Thank you"

"No more thank you's okay?" He asked gently while she leaned back on the seat watching from the window.

"Is.. your wife, I mean-" she stammer nervously.

"Batool will be fine. What about you?"

She let out a deep breath "I don't want to be an inconvenient to her"

"We will work it out" he sighed closing his eyes clearing exhausted. Aamirah didn't push him more on the topic. Rather, she kept looking out the window fascinated at everything. It feels as if she is in another planet, a new environment.

When the driver parked at a huge house, more like a mansion. She watched closely. The two huge white pillars supporting the house stood out, she can spot the wild beautiful flowers decorating the front of the house. Roses, orchids and aloe vera plant

The car halt and Khaleel got down. She forcefully willed her legs to move out, her heart is beating so fast. This feels so wrong. Ya Allah! Just the fact that Batool is right across the door makes her nervous and scared. She is just about to meet her husband's wife.. the woman who knows Khaleel better than her, the one who rightfully belongs to Khaleel. She doesn't know why but that scares her more than anything in the world.

When the door flew open, a woman dressed in a green and pink patterned fitted gown threw her hands around Khaleel forcefully, energetically. Aamirah stepped back while Khaleel stopped himself from falling backwards. He held her in his arms.


"Habibiey!! I missed you" she squealed backing away before setting her eyes on Aamirah.

"Oh! Assalamualaikum" she take in and appearance making Aamirah to feel dirty. She stand no chance at Batool, Khaleel's Batool. She is fair with natural high cheek bones and long eyelashes cascading her eyes, her thin pink lips did more justice to her beauty not to forget her curvaceous body, this is definitely the type of woman Khaleel will marry.

"Wa'alaikum salaam" she replied as Batool walk inside the house inviting them in.

The huge golden royal chairs in the living room make her more uneasy. Everything screams class! Money! And 'Mimi you don't belong here!' she couldn't agree more.

"Food? I made your favorite.." Batool asked her husband who glanced at Aamirah worriedly.

"Uh, why don't you show Aamirah her room, I think she is knackered out"

Batool nod her head calling out to the maid who came running.

"Show her the guest room"

"Guest room?" Khaleel asked puzzled

"The vacant room on the second floor is messed up" she inform "I hope that okay with her. I mean the guest room is clean and available"

"It's fine, thank you" Aamirah inject politely when Khaleel opened his mouth to talk, when Batool beamed taking his hand. He let the matter go unwilling while Mimi was shown her room.

She let out a deep hot breath slumping on the king's size bed. The room is big enough for six people to live in with gigantic bathroom and two set of loveseats. Either Khaleel is wealthy beyond her imaginations or Batool is from a rich family.. the thought makes her cringe inwardly. When she remembers how Batool screened her up and down, as if assessing her or trying to figure out what her husband saw in her, she broke down into tears.

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