Chapter thirty-seven

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Nigeria, Abuja.



The most awful nightmare ever.

Batool.. Fateemah Batool.

Khaleel can vividly remember the day he fell in love with her.

She always came over to their house when they were younger to have some girls time with his sisters. Growing up, Batool only had her five brothers so Mama always invited Batool over to bond with his sisters and they bond so well.

It was during one of their sleepovers at the house..

He snuck out to play football at night even when Mama forbade him. Hassan said it was okay since they are grown ups now.. he said being fifteen is being able to do what you want.

Khaleel agreed with him of course.

That night when he decided to go back home, he realized he forgot to pick the house key. They locked him out! All alone in the middle of the night! There was no way he could scream for help if not Mama will know he snuck out and that will be the end of his adulthood.

He decided to stay outside all night.

Anything to escape Mama's anger.

That was when he saw her.. she had fallen asleep in the kitchen waiting up for him because she saw him sneaking out. Eventually, she woke up from her uncomfortable nap and saw him outside so she quietly opened the door.

That was the moment he fell in love with Batool.

Not because she rescued him from Mama or literally saved his life but because she looked so beautiful and cute in her pyjamas standing there waiting up for him.

She cared! Right from day one.

Ever since then, it was Batool and Khaleel. It has always been. Even Mama shiped them so hard that when Khaleel realised she wouldn't be there to attend his wedding, it broke his heart.

Now she is gone.

His Batool is gone.

Ya Rabeel Aalameen!

He paced up and down in the room.

This is insane.

She will never leave him.. right?

He quickly performed ablution and bowed down in Sujood. Maybe she just needs space and he needs to turn to His Lord. His Creator.

He prayed until his legs hurt.

Part of him wants to reach out to Aamirah and see how she is doing at their home but another part assured him she will be fine. Thank God Faridah willingly left Ya Maamah's house to stay with Aamirah when he asked.

He let out a deep breath laying on the empty bed.

The room feels so quiet without Raina's blabbers and so cold with Batool's warmth.

That was when he realized sitting around is not for him!

Letting Batool go so easily is stupid.

He needs Batool in his life!

Khaleel got up from bed and grabbed his car keys. A quick glance at his phone announced the time is twelve forty pm. Ya Maamah will skin him alive but he has to do this.

Without wasting another second, Khaleel drove to his sister's house restlessly.

For sure Batool will be over at Ya Maamah's.

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