Chapter twenty-five

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Nigeria, Abuja.

The night seems so short.

It feels like a blur.

One minute he is falling asleep after praying Fajr prayers and the other, the door bell is ringing loudly through the house. When he managed to come out of his sleep trance, he walked to the door shocked to see a chauffeur holding a big basket of food.

He coughed exchanging pleasantries with him. "Hajiya sent me with this" he announce and Khaleel stayed flabbergasted.

"Sorry, which Hajiya?"

"Hajiya'n Captain"

Ya Maamah.. only Ya Maamah will send him varieties of food by eight o'clock in the morning. Moving out of the way, the chauffeur dropped the dishes on the table before taking his leave.

Khaleel sighed closing the door behind him. When he retrieved his phone from the room, he dialled Ya Maamah's phone who answered immediately.

"Assalamualaikum Khaleelu!"

"Wa'alaikum salaam Ya Maamah. Good morning Ma! Thank you for the food"

"Anytime. I figured out you might not have bought food stuffs yet. By the way, how is she feeling?" She asked honestly concerned which made his heart swell with love. Even though Ya Maamah has no idea Aamirah miscarried her rapist baby nor does she know anything about Aamirah, the fact that he told her she is sick is enough for to make her this concerned.

"Alhamdulilah, better"

"Alhamdulilah. So when are you bringing her over? I need to prep her on how to take care of you.."

He chuckled, "Inshallah soon"

"Your definition of soon is different from mine Khaleel" she paused, "Layla! Drop that thing!" After few shuffling, she returned, "ok mom duty calls. Talk to you later!"

"Sure, thank you again, bye"

"Anytime" she hung up. Drafting two messages, one a good morning to Batool and the other to Faridah, he walk towards Aamirah's room and gently knocked on the door.

It felt like someone knocked his breathe out of him, when she pulled open the door hitting his nostrils with sweet scent of hers decked up in navy blue form fitting blouse and black skirt, he gaped, shamefully. Admiring her enchanting, radiant natural beauty hypnotically.

She looked away, shyly, hating how his dark orb take over her body. She didn't know what she was thinking when she agreed to marry Khaleel. How on Earth did she managed to convince herself that it will be easy.. marry Khaleel, the handsome, sweet, thoughtful man and just get through it.. utterly impossible!

Ya Azeez! Help her.

She adjusted the black veil draped over her head and that brought him out of his trance. He coughed. Then slowly, he backed away as if regaining consciousness.

What is she doing to him?

This.. the deep painful love he is experiencing for Aamirah will be the death of him.

As they sat on the dinning table to eat, he noticed. Of course he will notice! How stupid does she think he is? He saw the new fresh cut on her elbow, deep and red peeking from beneath her veil and flay hand blouse.

Aamirah was too busy forcing the food down her throat and drowning in her thoughts of sorrow to notice his piercing hurt gaze on her hand. When he stood up and pushed the chair back forcefully, she gasped the tears spilling.


"Why will you do that? Innalilahi wa'ina ilayhi raji'un" he heaved breathing heavily. "Just the thought of you, hurting yourself haunts me Aamirah. Do you know that?"

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