Chapter twenty-nine

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Teemahraj67 ❤️❤️

Nigeria, Abuja.

If only it's as easy as re watching a movie for the umpteenth time.

If only she can somehow convey everything to Khaleel without reliving that moment.

Life is hard. Aamirah knows that by now. She exhaled deeply ignoring the warning flags in her head and thundering heartbeat. Her heart is racing so loud she is zoning out from her surroundings and focusing on the awful memories.

When Khaleel pressed his hand on hers, she felt the pull back to reality. She blinked twice trying to adjust to her surrounding. The private investigator, Talha as he introduced himself is sitting across them holding a notepad and pen. He has a concerned expression on his face. They haven't even started and Aamirah is already falling into an abyss of darkness.

While he shifted anxiously on the chair, Khaleel swiped his finger on her palm in a comforting manner. He leaned closer, "Mimi, breathe" she took in a few gulp of air focusing on the feel of his finger on her hand. It was comforting for a while. Up until Talha started asking questions.

"Mother's full name?"

Aamirah clutched onto Khaleel tightly. She has no idea why she is acting up like this? Maybe it has to do with the fact that she hasn't spoken about her mother in years or the possibility that she will actually see her mother. Ya Rabbi.

"UmmulKhairi Sadiq"

He scribbled the name down on the notepad. "Father?"

Aamirah closed her eyes firmly, for a moment she saw her father, alive, healthy, standing there with his white cap over his head and black kaftan. He is holding a prayer bead in one hand while storing his beard. Aamirah didn't see him as a bad guy, she saw him as the father so lost. The father she loved. The father that did his best for her. Only that his best wasn't enough.

"Abubakar Sadiq"


Aamirah felt the tears sting her eyes. She looked down at the carpet suddenly interested in the design and fluffiness of the carpet. "No" she whispered harshly. Khaleel was truly intrigued. He doesn't know that her father is no more. Ya Rabbi. He doesn't know anything at all..

"Was he a Nigerian?"


Talha wrote on his notepad. He moved to the center table to pick up the glass of water she offered. When he took a sip, Khaleel knew the next question he was going to ask will damage her. It won't be easy. He knows that.

"How come your mother left for Nigeria without you?"

The tightness in her lungs are back. She felt everything closing in on her. Khaleel saw it coming. She is having a panic attack. Immediately she started breathing out heavily. He grabbed a bottle of cold water for her.

"I think we should take a break!" he said when she took large gulps.

"They got divorced. She, she- had to choose between me and my sister"

Talha didn't know how painfully messed up Aamirah's story will be when he accepted the challenge of finding her mother. Now that he heard what she said, he knows just listening to her story will be enough to make him all deep into finding her mother. He quickly scribbled that down moving to the next question seeing she is replying.

"Why didn't she come back for you?"

Khaleel snapped his head to meet the investigator. "Maybe you should rephrase that"

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