Chapter forty

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Dedicated to my scolio forever ekram_xx ❤️

Nigeria, Abuja.


He was our only option.

My uncle the rapist.

At this point, he is just my rapist. And that's all he will ever be!


Khaleel let out a deep breath. He turned sideways to find Aamirah deep asleep. She must have slept off when he started reading the second letter, the Hide and Seek.

Something about reading Aamirah's letters makes everything seem so real. He can remember one night before the private investigator came, Aamirah had told him who her rapist is but he found it hard to believe. She said it so quickly but he heard. He heard and denied to process what she said. Instead, he walked to the living room and pulled open his laptop where he wrote, Piece Number One. And then, he stopped because he was overly being chased by his own demons.

He looked down at her, then without warning, the tears left his eyes and fell on her face. Drop by drop. Heavily. He can't believe this.

Aamirah was constantly raped by her Uncle.

The one who was suppose to be her protector!

Ya Rabbi! This is unbelievably hard to digest in.

Suddenly, the deep, raw emotions returned. He stared at her with pure concern and love. So much love he is worried it's unhealthy. But it feels right. So right.. He is in love with Aamirah and there is no two ways about that. It's the real, raw truth.

Finally getting a grip of himself, he kissed her forehead before slowly ripping himself from the bed. He picked up the letters and stacked them away. That's enough for now, he simply cannot read on! There is already too much heaviness on his heart after seeing how much she is going through.

He decided to make a cup of coffee just to get his emotions straight. Aamirah is still sleeping comfortably even when he returned to the room, the sleeping pills immediately shut her eyes close before he could even register what was going on. But she needs this! It's the only way she can rest.

By the time he prayed Zuhr, he decided to get some work done from home. Jameelah was able to schedule a meeting for him through the zoom app. He was met with a lot of papers to sign, files to go through, cases to solve and problems to fix. It was a lot reminding him how much Sudan needs him.

"What do we do about the boy?" JamJam asked sipping her coffee. Khaleel took a deep breath trying to gather his thoughts and collect himself. The story about the young boy who found his way to the NGO is still traumatizing him.

"Get a private investigator on this case. We need to find his parents" he replied eyeing his empty cup of coffee. He needs a refill and something to eat cause he is starving.


"We had some donations, I don't know how to divide the money into necessary issues" Maleek said looking through some files before him.

"Wow, okay.. let's," he paused when the door to the room opened slowly and Aamirah walked out sleep dazed. Their eyes locked but before he could say more, Maleek brought him out of his trance. He quickly turned his attention to his ongoing meeting while Aamirah sat on the couch far away from him. Her knees are pressed to her chest while she watched him silently.

"Hafsat has a list of things we need to look into immediately. Why don't you email that to me first. Then maybe prepare a rough draft of the expenses and send it to me, I'll also compile some over here and we will see how it goes.." he said.

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