Chapter nineteen.

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Sudan, Khartoum.


It feels like he didn't sleep at all. His head is pounding, really hard and his legs are starting to slip on their own. When he finally entered his room after offering fajr prayers in the mosque, he slumped on the bed exhausted.

He needs to sleep.

Even if it's for thirty minutes. He needs rest. When his encounter with Kabeer the previous day comes running in his mind, his heart fell in the pit of his stomach. Is he really doing this?


Ya Allah! He is losing his mind, slowly but surely.

He remembers what Ya Zeezee always advice him to do when he is in a complicated situation like this, 'follow your heart' simple.

He knows what his heart wants then why is he complicating things further?

The moment he woke up two hours later, it felt like he is a complete different human being. He felt stronger and less confused than he was. He knew what he wanted but there is no way, not even in his wildest dreams will he do anything without talking to Batool. Before everything she is his best friend! She deserves to know whatever that is disturbing him no matter how hurtful the truth can be.

He stared at the laptop intensely. After two rings, she answered the FaceTime and he was greeted by her face smiling widely. She is still in her shorts and one of his t-shirt, the little gesture made him beam. Weird what the sight of her do to him...

"Assalamualaikum, hey habibey" she beamed.

"Wa'alaikum salaam" he smiled.

This is harder than he though it will be. "What's wrong?" She asked concerned and he let out a visible sigh. This is Batool. His Batool! Obviously one look at him she will know something is wrong.

"Khaleel.." she called and it felt like his heart jumped out from his chest. They are back on the Khaleel terms.

"It's work.. Ya Allah!"

"What did I tell you about stressing yourself? Do all you can and leave the rest with Allah. You can't fix everything.. please" he heard that before,

You can't fix everything. You can't fix everything.

Subahana'Allah but what if he can?

"What if I can?" He voiced out his thoughts

Batool kept quiet "Then you help, is that not what you want? To help people as much as you can?"

"What if it's at your expense?"

This time she paused. For a really long time they both paused staring at each other until it was too much to handle

"I trust you"

just three words. How is he going to do this?

"It's going to be a contract, to get her out of the country.."

"What type of contract?" She asked confused and he realized he is just rambling without actually explaining.

"A marriage contract.." he whispered and Batool went Oh! Seriously just Oh? He expected a lot more than OH!

"That's explains our fall out and everything in between" she nod her head as if she just figured out the biggest mystery of the century. Her expression is natural, blank.

"It's not that!" He lied but got nothing. Instead she palmed her face heaving deep breaths in and out as if it is too much to handle, too much to comprehend.

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