Chapter 1: Where it All Began

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⚠️Warning⚠️ This part deals with a suicide, I don't mean to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but it is part of the story. Sorry in advance.



     Man, fifth grade math is so hard! Mommy said I should try it on my own, but if I couldn't get it I could ask her for help. Training with dad is hard enough, but then homework too! I sat at my desk frustrated and played with my pencil in my right hand and my long silver hair in the other. It was just an ordinary night. My father had to go "take care of some special business" while mom straightened the house and I did homework for school the next day. Our house was quiet, a little too quiet.

Then all of a sudden, I hear a loud thud from downstairs. My curious mind made my body move involuntary. Before I knew it, I had opened my bedroom door and raced down the stairs into our living room. What was ahead of me was something that will be imbedded in my mind forever.

A slender black haired woman laying on her right side in the floor with a pool of blood surrounding both her wrists. I took in a swift breath and my body started to tremble. Tears started to fill the bottom of my eyelids. I stood frozen from shock. I knew who it was but I didn't want to admit it to myself. She didn't move, she just laid there.

"Mommy?" I called for her, but got no response. The dreary silence filled the open space between us. Panicked I ran to her kneeling down and tugged at her body to lay her flat on her back. Her face was emotionless and when I reached to touch her, she was cold.

"MOMMY! Wake up!" I yelled tugging at her cold body, tears began to fall from my face.Who would do this to mommy? I thought to myself. However, when I looked around the room I spotted a knife laying next to her right hand. I shook my head and only focused on her.

"Mommy, please wake up. Please." I begged over and over again, but her body didn't move. My body couldn't take it anymore I fell onto her chest and cried. I screamed and cried for help. A Pro Hero will come and save her, she will be alright. I thought to myself. I sat there on her cold body for thirty minutes crying and begging for her to awake and for help.

She didn't awake and no one came for help. Why won't any heroes come to help mommy? Why won't they help me? I didn't want daddy there, he was so cruel to me and mommy I knew he wouldn't help us. My eyes began to ache from the tears, so I nuzzled against my mothers neck and closed them. Maybe if I wait just a little longer help will come. Darkness overcame my body as I went into slumber.

2 Hours Later

"What the fuck?" I heard a voice say. I peeked my eyes open to see my fathers body hovering over us. No joy filled me when I saw him appear, only fear. His black and white eyes pierced into my soul as he stared at the scene before.

"What have you done, brat?!?" His deep voice cascaded into my mind and shivers were sent through my body.

I slowly pushed myself off mother, looked at him with tear stained eyes and said, "I heard a loud noise, so I came downstairs and saw mommy laying on the ground. She must be sleeping because I couldn't wake her up." His gaze shifted to my mothers cold body, he sighed.

"Your mother is dead. The dumb bitch killed herself she's not asleep." He said as he walked towards me. He grabbed me by my arm and began to pull me with him. Anger filled my heart, I began to swat at his muscular forearm.

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP! Let me go I wanna be with mommy!" I screamed. He let go of my arm and stopped. I stood there tears pouring down my cheeks. I was surprised he let me go. Then suddenly, my father swung the back of his hand hitting my right cheek.

"SHE IS DEAD! GONE! THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO! SHE WANTED TO DIE AND SHE GOT WHAT SHE WANTED! NOW SHUT THE HELL UP, BRAT!" His furious yell filled the whole house as my body fell back from the hit. I held my right cheek and looked up at the man in fear. I trembled and cried more. There was nothing I could do. She was gone, and I was left with him. The man that abused and used me. I didn't want that, I wanted to be free.

"I want to be where mommy is. I don't want to stay with you! I just want to be with her." I brought my knees up and wrapped my arms around them as I cried. He stared at me for a moment, then I heard him chuckle. His chuckle progressed into a full blown laugh.

"Oh no no no. You can't go where she is! With a quirk like yours, it would be a shame for you to meet your end so soon. I made you, and I'm not done with you yet." He had a grin plastered on his face as the words spilled from his mouth. I closed my eyes and buried my face into my knees.

"I'll call the police and let them handle this mess. After that, it will just be the two of us." His words echoed in my mind. Just the two of us? No, I don't want to stay here with just him! He hurts me! Only mommy helped and saved me! He picked up our house phone and called the police. I didn't hear anything he said because my mind was racing on all the events that occurred tonight. My mother was dead, and I was left with just him.

No, I will not stay with him! I will do anything to stay away from him! He's a monster, a villain. This is how I saw my father before me. I will do anything to get away from him, and I did. Fear rushed through my body as I stood and ran out the house.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" I didn't pay my father any attention as I ran out the front door of our house. Woods stood ahead of me, and I knew beyond that was the road. I knew that once I made it to the road I could get away and he'd never find me again.

"GET BACK HERE YOU STUPID BRAT!" His voice echoed throughout the forest, but adrenaline filled my veins and I ran faster. Branches swatted me as I pushed past them and leaves crunched beneath my feet because of the fall weather. Run Hikari ! RUN! Don't stop! Don't stop for anyone or anything! Don't look back just keep moving! I kept telling myself as my stamina ran low and my lungs ached from the brisk night air. I saw the opening to the road, my eyes brightened with freedom. I am so close!

"NO YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY FROM ME!" My fathers voice was closer now. I panicked and looked back, he was so close to me, maybe about seven feet from me. Tears pricked my eyes as I turned back around, when I did a tree branch slapped me right across the face. I fell back and the impact knocked the breath out of me. I opened my eyes and looked up to see the beautiful stars in the sky.

Wow. It's so pretty. I thought, and a smile crept across my face. The stars were instantly covered by my fathers masculine body. Anger filled his eyes as he reached down grabbing my throat and lifting me upwards. I gasped as he suddenly slammed me against a tree. I grabbed his hand that was around my neck and began kicking him. My attempts did nothing but anger him.

"You impulsive little shit. I would kill you if you weren't my creation." I gasped for air, but received little to none.

"If you ever try that again, I will punish you harder than I ever have before." His words came out as a whisper. He dropped me and I landed on my side. I coughed, cried, and shook all from the loss of air and the fear filling my body.

"If you lay another hand on that child again, I'll make sure to punish you as well." A booming deep voice came from behind my father. My vison blurred and before my eyes shut, I saw a man in a hero costume, blonde hair, and a smile spread across his face. My body stilled and darkness overcame me.

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