Chapter 16: Together

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"HIKARI, HURRY UP! I WILL LEAVE THIS HOUSE WITH OR WITHOUT YOU!" Shota yelled to me from downstairs.

"Yeah, yeah." I mumbled to myself. He had taken a few days off of work to take care of me and today was the day he went back. This was also my first day as a UA faculty member. Shota had mentioned something about taking his students to the USJ, but that doesn't involve me. Gathering my things I hurriedly scurried downstairs.

"Took you long enough."

"I'm waiting on you now!" I yelled as I walked out the door. The taxi ride to the school was quiet, actually most of the time I'm with Shota he's quiet. I never really mind the silence, but it would be nice to have a conversation once in a while. Once we had made it, I looked at the enormous gate in front of us with sweaty hands. Why am I so nervous? Maybe it's just the thought of people asking me questions about what happened since the news likes to exploit everything. I flinch as I feel a hand on my shoulder, turning I see soft faced Shota.

"Everything will be fine. Let's go to Recovery Girl so she can heal your wounds all the way. I wanted to wait until you had enough strength for her to heal you."



"Thank you." I said to Recovery Girl as she handed me my costume.

"Yes my dear. Now, hurry along. I'm sure you have other things to do." Not once did she mention the wounds on my back, I was very thankful she didn't. Every time I look in the mirror to observe my back, I think less and less of myself. They aren't something to flaunt.

"Yes ma'am." I closed the curtain and out my hero costume back on. I'm glad she healed me. My costume really bothered the wounds on my back. Once I was finished I waved Recovery Girl off and scurried out the door almost slamming into Shota.

"Jesus! You have got to watch where you are going! This is like the fourth time!" I glared as he just looked down at me with amused eyes.

"I could say the same about you, Hikari. I told you I was going to wait on you." Every time he says my name, goosebumps appear on my skin. Feeling my ears heat up, I turn away from him to hide the apparent flush on my face. Shota slowly walked behind me as I set a fast pace to the teachers lounge.

"I have a class to teach. I'll see you after school." Shota waved me off as I opened the teachers lounge door. When I appeared, Toshi and Principal Nezu were talking and sipping on tea. Great. Is it too late to leave?

"Miss Heila! Why don't you come take a seat with us?" Principal Nezu beamed. Shit, welp too late to turn back now. Taking a seat next to Toshi, I leaned back crossing my legs and slowly closed my eyes.

"Hikari. I need a favor." Toshi's voice was soft, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear him. Opening my eyes, I glance at him, but his gaze is turned towards his fiddling hands.


"Do you mind going with Aizawa and Thirteen to the USJ. I did too much hero work before I arrived." Yay. Being with kids I don't even know. I don't even know how to teach kids, maybe I can just be a side help or something. He always does this. I hate him, but I love him. I lean forward rubbing my temples, a long drug out sigh leaves my lips. Honestly, if Shota can do it, I definitely can. It'll help Toshi out too, I guess.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now