Chapter 11: Reunion

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We finally make it inside and it's not just a bar, it's a club. Music is blaring, people dancing (more like dry humping each other), drinking games, and everything. Jesus this is way too much for me.

"There they are! Let's go!" Hizashi says loudly, if he shouted it would've ruled over all the other noise. I look to the massive booth a few feet from us and see Ectoplasm, Snipe, Sekijiro(Vlad), and Nemuri(Midnight) waiting for us. We get to the booth and Nemuri motions for me to sit next to her. Obliging I take a seat next to her while Aizawa sits to my left.

After talking and socializing for a while, Aizawa leans close to my ear and whispers yells, "Lets go to the bar."

"Why do you want me to go with you?"

"Stop being so damn stubborn and come on." Huffing I slide out the booth with Aizawa and we make our way to the bar. We both take a seat and sit there awkwardly. I start fidgeting with my fingers. Why does he make my freaking nerves shoot through the roof?

"What's your poison?" Aizawa asks.

"I don't drink."

"Oh? And why not?"

"It's none of your concern." I say coldly just watching the bartender make drinks.

"What shall you both have tonight?" The bartender asks when he finally makes it to us.

"Whiskey and just leave the bottle." Jesus, alcoholic much?'

"You often down a whole bottle?" I ask questionably.

"It's none of your concern." He says mimicking me. I just roll my eyes at his response. The bartender comes back with a glass and the whole bottle of whiskey. Aizawa opens it and pours some in his glass and immediately downs it.

"What about you, sweetheart?" The bartender says loudly.

"Just a glass of water will suffice." He quickly picks up a glass and pours water in it. We sit there for about thirty minutes and casually talk, mostly about school. As of right now, Aizawa is getting to the drunk point.

"You know I remember that day." He says coolly. Oh yeah, I know.

"Figured that." He just chuckles as he takes another sip. Then suddenly a body has thrown their arms around me. I stiffen and quickly turn and shove them off.

"Woahhhh girl! It's just meeee!" Hizashi says loudly. Mother of God. He is shitfaced.

"Shota, I wanna spend time with pretty girl! Come dance with me!" Hizashi says grabbing my hand. I quickly snatch it away and Aizawa notices.

"Hizashi. You need to control yourself." Aizawa says sternly, giving him a glare. Aizawa starts swaying when he stands. Oh yeah he's drunk too. Great. Hizashi just holds his hands up in defense and walks away beer in hand held high in the air.

"He gets stupid as fuck when he's shitfaced."

"Well at least he doesn't get more of an ass when he's drunk." My voice ringing with sarcasm. I take a seat back on my barstool leaning my back on the bar. Aizawa narrows his eyes with a smirk plastered on his face. He slowly walks towards me, but stops when his face is next to my left ear.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now