Chapter 27: Balcony

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Shota's POV

Damnit she's worrying the crap out of me. I think I really fucked up when I kissed her because she didn't even kiss me back. I need to apologize properly because I took advantage of her state and kissed her. Taking a long deep breath, I build up enough courage and make my way towards her room.

When I reach it, I twist the door knob, but it doesn't budge. She knows I don't like the doors locked, and she never locks the door. What is she doing?

"Hikari? What are you doing?" I ask lightly as I knock with my index finger's knuckle. I press my ear to the door, but I hear nothing from the other side.

"Hikari, open the door I need to speak with you." I twist the knob again waiting for it to unlock, but it never does. Why isn't she answe- I then hear the balcony door open from the other side, but she doesn't answer me.

"Hikari! What are you doing?!?" I begin to really bang on the door this time. When I still get no answer I become panicked. She... she wouldn't try to kill herself, would she? The fear within me takes over me because from where the balcony is in her room it's a big drop off into the woods below it. No. NO!

"HIKARI! DONT DO THIS! JUST WAIT, IM COMING!" I yell as I back away from the door, and with my right leg I kick the door down with as much force I could muster up. The sight before me, makes my body tremble with fear and eyes widen also. Hikari stands on the balcony poles while her arms support her by holding on to the ceiling.

"HIKARI DONT!" She doesn't even acknowledge my presence behind her as her hands slowly drift away from the ceiling.

At the moment when Hikari's body begins to drift forward back facing me, everything begins to look as though it's in slow motion. My feet, her body falling, the wind, my heartbeat, my screams, everything slows before me like something in a movie. I have to make it to her. Please grab her. Save her from herself.

I reach my hand out and over the balcony grabbing onto her wrist. The pain shoots through my arm, but I push it aside as I reach down and grab her forearm with my other hand. I feel the burning and stinging sensation going throughout both my arms as I try to pull her up, but fail in the process. Shit! I can't pull her up because my arm strength has depleted from being in the slings!

"Hikari! Give me your other hand! You have to help me! I can't do this all on my own!" I say softly, I feel my body being pulled forward because of her dead weight. Shit! SHIT!! I'm not going to be able to pull her up! NO! SHE CANT DO THIS TO ME!

"Hikari! Please... please... don't leave me." I feel my eyes start to sting, and I close them to try to keep the tears in. Don't do this. You can't leave.

Hikari's POV

I stare up at Shota as he struggles to keep his eyes closed and keep me from falling. Realization hits me when I look at his face and see all the pain and suffering I've finally put him through. I said I never wanted to see him suffering anymore, and yet I did this to him. I'm making him feel this way, and I don't want to. I just don't want him hurt in the future, I just can't live with myself anymore. Please just let me g-

"IM NOT LETTING GO! I DONT CARE IF YOU HELP ME OR NOT, YOU ARENT LEAVING ME." Shota's eyes open and a stray tear falls onto my cheek. He's crying. For me. No, don't cry Shota. I don't want to see you this way.

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