Chapter 13: Lashes

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It's been twenty-three days. Everyday it's the same routine. Wake up, get beaten, raped and repeat. My father only feeds me every other day, but he gives me water on the regular. I'm getting to where I can't take it anymore, it's unbearable. I haven't even seen what this place looks like because he never takes off the blindfold. I wouldn't be able to use my quirk anyways, all my energy has been drained. Everyday I'm met with physical and mental pain, it hurts. He has never been this way, maybe it's just because he thinks at my age I can take more. I can't. I can't take it anymore, this is all too much for me. I can't keep going, the beatings I can handle. I just can't handle being violated everyday, three times a day, by multiple men. The door opens, but I don't move. I don't have the energy to resist anymore.

"You look awful, Hikari. This hurts me more than you to do this, but you have to learn. You have to learn that you are mine, you can't escape it." No I can't escape it. This time he is right. I don't respond, all I do is wait for him to begin.

"You know, I don't think my fists are doing the trick so I got something else that might." Wait, what? Something else? I feel his presence behind me and I hear the cutting noise of my shirt. He cuts all the way up to reveal my whole back.

"Aw, cute little scars I left on you as a child. They are so tiny, but these next ones won't be." His menacing voice echoed in the back of my mind. Wha...what does he plan on doing to me? I hear a loud crack and I feel a sharp stinging pain on my back. I scream in agony as the pain rushes throughout my whole body.

"Holy shit. This thing works wonders! Just one lash and you are already bleeding! This will be fun." Another lash was landed on my back, I arch my back and make a blood curdling scream escape my lips.

"I want you to count." SICK BASTARD! ILL KILL HIM! Another, this time in the same spot as the other two. I dig my fingernails into the palms of my hand drawing blood in the process.


"THREE!" I scream back. No. Don't start over. It hurts so much. So... bad. This time the lash land on my side getting stuck in my skin in the process. I scream painfully as I feel my flesh tearing as the whip is torn from my side.


"FOUR!" Tears are falling from my eyes, I can't stop them from flowing. Lash after lash, my father didn't stop his abuse.

"Oh honey, you stopped counting. I was only going to go to twenty, but you stopped counting at eleven. Well I guess we can start from eleven, and if you don't count I'll start all the way over." I can't take this. Stop. Another lash was landed right on my spinal cord, I scream feeling the blood oozing down my legs soaking my panties.

"Twelve." I can't take it.

"Thirteen." My... head. It's... spinning.

"Fourteen." The pain, the blood, the misery, it's too much.

"Fif... fifteen." I... I... can feel... my flesh being... torn off... my body.

"Six... six... teen." Almost... done.

"Se... ven... teen." Just a few... more.

"Eighteen." Everything hurts.

"Ni... ni... nineteen." My back, voice, head, legs, arms, mind, even eyes.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now