Chapter 35: New Moon

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"Mhm, I can do that." Shota's eyes peer down at my shaken body, leaning closer to me and kisses my forehead. Suddenly he sweeps me off my feet carrying me bridle style up the stairs towards his room. My nerves begin to arise making me shake within his arms, at the top of the stairs he stops in front of his door.

"Hikari, we don't have to do this if you don't want." He softly whispers, I cling to his shirt like it is the last thing on earth.

"N-no. I want this. I-I want y-you. I'm just..."

"Scared?" He questions, his body stiffens at his own question making me regret my nerves getting the best of me. Peering up at him, he stares straight forward, making sure to avoid my gaze. Bringing my hand up, I turn his face down towards mine.

"I'm scared about how real this is. It feels too real to be true, me and you." He leans forward, his lips gently brush against my own.

"I love you, Hikari." He whispers pulling away from the kiss, with that he nudges the door open with his foot allowing us to enter. He stops at the foot of his bed and sets me down to where I'm standing in front of him.

"I want to see you." He lustily murmurs while one of his fingers slips under the strap of my dress. Nodding, I grab the hem of my dress and slip it over my head with ease, leaving me almost naked besides my olive green thong and high heels.

His eyes rake up and down my body, but this time I don't feel the need to hide myself from him. Closing the gap between the two of us, I push my body against his, my hands feel up and down his arms.

"Your turn." I shyly whisper, hearing a hum of agreement and he takes a step back away from me. I watch him carefully as he unbuttons every single button of his shirt, his torso and abs become visible to my eyes causing my breath to hitch. Lifting his wrists, he slowly unbuttons his cuffs, I become a little impatient with the pace he's going at.

Finally he grabs his shirt and shucks it off his body, revealing his pale muscular upper body. Jesus... he's beautiful. I try to move towards him, but he lifts a finger to stop me.

"I'm not done yet, angel." An evil grin spreads across his face while I cross my arms and poke out my bottom lip. Hooking his fingers around the hem of his pants he pulls them outward letting them fall to the ground.

I swallow the lump in my throat as my eyes trail up from his thigh muscles, to his manhood, his abdomen, torso, and finally they stop on his lips. He walks towards me, placing both hands on my cheeks and kisses me. It's a slow passionate kiss that makes me melt into his touch.

My hands reach around to his back, I dip my fingertips in between each muscle on his back starting from the top and making my way down. I slip my fingers underneath his underwear and gently brush my fingers across the top of his tone ass. Never thought I'd enjoy touching a man's ass before, but oh ho ho I do.

I press my body closer to his as he continues to kiss me, I swiveling my hips a little making a groan of pleasure leave Shota's lips. His hands suddenly reaches my butt and he lifts me up letting me wrap my legs around him. He slowly leans forward dropping me on the bed, he pushes himself off of me smiling when he does.

"Let's get these shoes off." He says kneeling before me as he takes my right foot in his hands. He unties the strings and slips off my shoe, taking my other foot in his hands he does the same thing. He places my foot on the top of his shoulder and begins kissing my ankle. He sucks and licks his way up until he's towering right about my panties, he smiles as he kisses the top of my panties.

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