Chapter 32: Three Words

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Okay, um little change of plans. I was just gonna go along with the anime, but now I've read the manga and OH BOY is it great. So now, I'll be throwing in a little, tiny bit of manga spoilers. WHOOPS, sorry guys. It's not that much, but it's still some spoilers. Just warning you all before y'all read.


The alarm clock rings right next to my ear, I angrily smack the annoying plastic shutting it off. I then hear heavy breathing and sheets rustling next to where I lay. I peek my eyes open, the sunlight  shining brightly into the room as I look to the right of me.

I glance at Shota, since I know he is the one causing the commotion, but when I do, panic relishes inside me. He is breaking out in a cold sweat, tightly holding the sheets turning his knuckles white, and face contorted as though he is in pain.

"Shota?" I whisper, but he doesn't respond to me. Now he begins to thrash, his breathing rapidly increasing with time. What is going on? Maybe a nightmare? Well, all I need to do is wake him.

Reaching forward involuntarily, I barely brush the tips of my fingers against his face when I feel my wrist being jerked away forcibly. I feel the weight of another body on my abdomen when I'm flipped over on my back. Shota towers over me, hair raised, chest quickly moving up and down as he stares at me with widen ruby eyes. Pain rushes up my forearm as the grip becomes tighter, I widen my eyes, but don't try to move or push him off.

After he notices what he's done, he immediately springs off of me, closes his eyes, and turns away from me. I look down at my wrist and see his scarf is loosely wrapped around it. What just happened? I stare at his back muscles as they expand at an alarming rate, reaching forward I'm able to lay a hand on him.

He hastily flinches from my touch, pushes himself out of his bed, walks into the bathroom and locks it; not saying a word to me. I groggily get out of bed holding my wrist and tip toe over to the bathroom, pressing an ear against it I try to listen. Nothing- no water running, no mumbling, no noise of any kind, just dead silence.

"Sho? Are you okay?" I lightly say knocking on the door.

"If you need to talk, you know you can talk to me. You know you can tell me anything, right?" I say when I received no response from him the first time. Instead of an answer, I hear the shower turn on.

Feeling defeated and a little hurt, I decided to make myself useful and go make breakfast downstairs. I have slept next to him before and he's never reacted like that. What was he dreaming about? He was so alert like someone was after him.

After pondering over what I think Shota was dreaming about, I finally hear the pitter patter of footsteps coming down the stairs. Oh my lanta, I forgot the damn breakfast! I've just been sitting here, dick in my hand, thinking about Shota. He doesn't attempt to make any eye contact with me as he makes his way over to the coffee pot. Of course he has a coffee pot with a timer, so it's not late. I watch him pour his coffee, hair still dripping wet, towel around his shoulders, shirtless, and in red and black plaid sleep pants.

Forgetting everything that conspired upstairs, I make my way over to him and wrap my arms around his midsection. Lying my head in between his shoulder blades, I feel him tense underneath me, but he doesn't try to pry me from his body. I want to understand what he's going through. I want to help him. I'm patient so take your time, Sho.

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