Chapter 5: Drawbacks

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I met the gaze of the criminal and activated my quirk immediately. I was in his mind now. I could feel and hear everything he was thinking and feeling. The woman came running to me and hugged me tightly.

"What the fuck? Why did I drop that bitch? I was about to have fun with her!" I heard his menacing voice roar in my head.

"You are scum. You disgust me."

"What the fuck?!? I'm going crazy! I'm hearing shit now!"

"No you aren't going crazy. I'm in your mind controlling your body as we speak. You may want to move or run or even talk. But as of right now I control what you do."


"Miss? Miss? Thank you for saving me." A sweet voice came from I'm front of my real body.

"You are quite welcome. I am a hero after all. Let me take care of this guy and while I do that can you call the police? Are you hurt or anything like that?" I asked walking towards the criminal I have captured with my quirk.

"I will. And no I'm not hurt. I'm just shaken. Who knows what would've happened if you didn't show up." I know what this bastard would have done. Good thing I was around. I walked up to the man's body and placed his hands behind his back.

"You fucking cunt! I'll kill you! Get your hands off me!"

"Now now. No need to be so hasty."

"I don't know what you've done to me, but I will kill you and bathe in your blood!" The moment those words escaped his mouth he began to think of all the horrendous crimes he's done. They filled both our minds. He was taking pleasure in the memories, where as my body shook lightly at his memories. All those women. All those women. He raped and killed every single one of them... How has no one caught him yet? Such a monster. I am thankful that my quirk doesn't permit the other person to hear my thoughts or feel my feelings when we are connected. If that were the case I'd never use it.

I roughly took my belt off and wrapped it around the man's wrists. After about seven minutes, the police arrived and I finally was able to release my quirk. They took the man into custody and the woman to the hospital. After they thanked me and left, I stood in the alleyway trying to catch my breath. Jesus... using this quirk really is going to drive me insane. With all the criminals' thoughts and feelings inside my head, I'm surprised I'm not mentally unstable. I sighed and shook the thoughts from my head, and began walking back home.

When I finally made to my apartment, the first thing I did was rush to my nightstand and take three of my pills. Even though they are ass, they are better than nothing. I popped them in my mouth and swallowed them dry. Just as I was taking off my shoes my phone rang. Huffing I stood up and grabbed my phone out my back pocket. Toshi? What does he want? Oh yeah I was suppose to call him when I got home too. Well I'll just kill two birds with one stone.


"Hey! I forgot to tell you about tomorrow!"

"What's tomorrow?"

"Well, I am suppose to go to UA tomorrow to meet all the teachers I'll be working with and-"

"Sounds fun."

"IM NOT DONE TALKING! Ahem. Anyways and I was hoping you could come with me? That way you could also meet them as well!"

"Toshi. It's been a very long day. Tomorrow is my off day an-"

"FANTASTIC! I'll pick you up in the morning at eight! Alrighty, BYE!" He hung up before I even got to answer. That sneaky bastard. He knew tomorrow was my day off. He planned this. He is going to be the death of me.

Sighing I set my phone on my night stand and rolled on my bed. My face buried in the pillow. In the moment of silence, memories of blood, lust, and death filled my head. I sat up quickly clenching my head. Jesus! Why does my head hurt so bad? Why won't these memories of his fade? They usually go away when I'm awake or when I deactivate my quirk. Why aren't his? I pushed my thoughts aside, and his, and got up heading towards the bathroom. Opening the cabinet behind my mirror, I grabbed the Tylenol and took two out. I popped them in my mouth and dry swallowed them. I put my hands on both sides of the sink then looked in the mirror.

When I look at myself I see my father's eyes and hair color, but everything is my mother. Long wavy silver hair, black and white patterned eyes, small slender figure, narrow face, high cheek bones, small nose; nothing too flashy. Well besides my damned eyes and hair color. After looking in me mirror for a few seconds I shook my head and sauntered back to my bed. Before I plopped down, I shredded off my shirt and pants leaving me in panties and a sports bra. I pulled the covers back and slid into bed. I can already feel my body getting heavy from the five pills I've taken. I slowly looked at the clock, 6:13p.m. I knew that it was fine if I went to sleep right now because whenever I wake up tonight from the nightmares I wont be able to go back to sleep.

It's not that I don't want to go back to sleep, I just don't wanna relive it twice in the same night. I turned my head towards my wall, pulled the covers over my shoulders, and closed my eyes. Still can't believe that asswipe knocked my cigarette out my hand. Also still can't believe I said yes to being Toshi's TA! I'm such a freaking dumbass... Guess all I can do now to hope for the best. Sleep came to me sooner than I expected, darkness overtook my body. Darkness would soon take over my mind as well.

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