Chapter 36: Slip Away

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I blankly stare at Shota's sleeping face, memorizing every detail, every feature, every imperfection like it's the last time I'll be seeing them. I'm sorry Shota, I hate to do this and then just leave, but someone needs to do something about my father. The only someone who can do anything, is me.

I stretch my hand outwards towards his face and gently brush my fingers against his warm cheek. He stirs beneath me, but my light touch isn't enough to awake him from sleep. I scoot my body closer to his and press my trembling lips to the top of his forehead.

"I love you Shota Aizawa." I whisper softly feeling my chest tighten. I quietly lift the covers off my body and slip out of bed, I tip toe my way out of his room sparing his body a last glance. I stray tear falls down my cheek and onto the dark wooden floor below me.

Cracking his door I head to my room and put on my hero costume. I grab my cuffs on my dresser and clamp them on my wrist, grabbing a few medical supplies and putting them in my pouch, I'm ready to face my greatest enemy.

I head for the door, but when I open it I hesitate to leave. Turning my head to the side I narrow my eyes at my work desk, blank paper and pens are scattered across the top. Letting out a long sigh I walk over to the desk and take a seat. I take a pen and lift it to my mouth, I grip the top between my lips and gently pull it off.


I stuff the papers in my dresser beneath a few more of my belongings and decide it's time for me to leave. I rush downstairs and quietly open the front door making sure he doesn't hear me slip out the house.

I walk for a few blocks until I begin to see a few taxi drivers appearing on the road. I finally flag one down and open the door to sit in the back.

"Ah! A pleasure to meet a hero! So where will you be going tonight?" The taxi driver praises making me lightly chuckle.

"The outskirts of Musutafu, Tokyo, here is the exact address." I tell the driver as I hand him a piece of paper through the middle window of the car. He shakes his head allowing his dark indigo curls to bounce.

"Yes ma'am, I'm guessing you are after a villain, huh?" He questions as he begins to drive towards my designated location.

"Well, I am a hero. I run towards danger, not from it." I cross my legs and gently take a cigarette from the pack I placed in my pouch. He seems... familiar.

"I understand, my son always wanted to be a hero when he was younger and now he's finally going to be one." He leisurely talks and this time I listen while lightly the end of my cigarette and cracking the window.

"Oh? What's your son's name? I hope you don't mind if I smoke, I need it." I casually ask him quirking an eyebrow.

"Hitoshi Shinso, if you could see that boy up next to me you would think we were twins and no ma'am go ahead." He smiles at me and I widen my eyes at his son's name. That's Kenzou's friend... Mhm, he's right about them looking alike. The only thing that's different is personality and the glasses his dad wears.

"You must be proud of him." I comment as I take a puff of my cigarette.

"Very. UA is a great hero academy and even though he's not in the Hero course yet, I believe in my son. I know he can make it, he has to." Shinso's father's shoulder seem to drop in worry, being the hero I am, I gently place my hand on his shoulder.

"Savior" {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now