Chapter 15: It's Just Skin

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"This is your house?" I stood next to Shota awestruck at his home before us. It wasn't really that big, maybe two floors, but it was elegantly modern. There were so many huge windows on the black and gray house. I thought he'd live in a shithole like me, honestly. Of course, he had the house painted black.

"Are you just going to stand there gawking or come into the house?" Shota began to walk away from me with my luggage in his arms. I quickly followed behind him as he walked to his front door and opened it. My eyes widened at his decor, everything is so black. Jesus, is he emo? Right as we walked in there was a staircase with black floating stairs right in front of us. To the left was the kitchen and to the right the living room, and both were black with a little gray thrown in the mix.

"Take your shoes off. I don't want you tracking shit throughout my house. I like things clean." He was right, I didn't see any dust, clothes, dishes, or anything out of place. Him being so lazy, I never thought he'd keep his house clean. I took my shoes off and slid them across the grey floor to the left of the door. My feet began to lead me throughout his home. I hear a over exaggerated huff from Shota as he follows behind me. I slowly walk up the stairs and try to make a left, but Shota quickly dashes in front of me.

"My room is off limits." His stare was cold, but I understood. He wants his privacy and I'll want mine as well. I swiftly turn around walking in the other direction of a long hallway with a door at the end. I reach it and slowly open the door hoping Shota doesn't get all offended again. Inside there is a bed with a black comforter and grey headboard. Grey curtains cover a large window to the right of the bed.

I notice Shota laying my luggage on the bed as I walk towards the window. Looking outside there is a pool with one lawn chair beside it in the front yard. Just below the balcony, the drop off to the woods takes my breath away from how high up we are.

I shift my eyes up and around the room until I see another door. Curiously I walk towards it opening it to reveal a bathroom. The bathroom mostly consisted of grey, besides the black floating toilet and vanity. Talk about need some color to brighten things up. This is way too much black. After walking out the bathroom I see Shota, arms crossed just glaring at me as I reappear. He's got some major mood swings.

"As you can already tell, this is your room."

"Yeah, I would've never guessed." My sarcasm ringing in his ears.

"Tch, yeah, well I have a few rules also." Curiously I raise a brow at his comment.

"I'm listening."

"Clean up after yourself, alert me if you are in pain, and lastly don't go in my room."

"Not many rules, but reasonable."

"Good. If you need me for anything and I'm in my room, knock." With that he leaves softly shutting the door. I really don't understand this man. He says I can stay with him, but then when I agree and come to his house, he's a complete asswipe. I feel like these few weeks are going to be the longest ones of my life.

Feeling bored, I decide to start unpacking to make myself more comfortable. Afterwards, I change into a big dark blue T-shirt and sleep shorts. I saw the only TV was in the living room, so that's where I'm headed. As I make my way down the stairs, a mouthwatering smell rushes through my nostrils. What smells so fucking good?!?

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